О проекте
Обучение и курсы
Гуманитарные предметы
Иностранные языки
Иностранные языки
Санкт-Петербургский государственный технологический институт (технический университет) (СПбГТИ (ТУ))
Конспекты лекций
Banking system is one of the most important instruments of the economy
Electronic correspondence. Operating the telex. Telex details
Foreign exchange market. Foreign exchange rates. Determining foreign exchange rates
Getting a job. Information about job openings is also available from employment agencies
Letters on Business Situations some "Golden rules" for writing letters and faxes
Money in voyage. Card, Check or Cash? Money from the wall. Traveler's checks
Money is used for buying or selling goods, for measuring value and for storing wealth
More than two-thirds of new restaurants added by McDonald's are outside of the United States
Plastic money. Visa Gold. Mastercard Gold. Visa Classic. Visa Electron
The stock market. It costs money to become an Exchange member
Фирменный бланк. Печатный бланк. Тип компании. Ограниченная ответственность
Учебные пособия
The Tourist Industry. Careers in Tourism. Tour Operators. Travel Agen
Сборник заданий по английскому языку для развития навыков письменной речи студентов