Програма семестрового контролю з практики усного та писемного мовлення англійської мови (Модульна контрольна робота. Семестровий екзамен), страница 8

16.  When the BBC asked its viewers what one thing they’d like to do before they die, many responses mentioned such extreme activities as bungee jumping, husky dog sledging and wing walking. Express your attitude to the extreme sports? Why do you think so many people are prepared to risk their health or even life for a portion of adrenaline?

17.  The BBC is planning a series of TV programmes about 10 greatest sportsmen and women of all times. Which sports person would you nominate to be included in the series? Talk about this person’s achievements rather than his/her biography, prove that he/she must be included.

18.  As a teacher of English tell your 10-year old pupils about sports and games popular in Great Britain. Explain the rules of playing football/ or golf/ or tennis/ or squash. 

19.  As a teacher of English tell your 11-year old pupils about sports and games popular in the USA. Explain the rules of playing basketball/ or ice hockey/ or rugby. 

20.  Speak on the book you’ve read this term. Give some brief information about the author. Dwell upon the plot, main characters and express your opinion on the book.

Максимальний екзаменаційний бал становить 30. Викладач оцінює відповідь студента на екзамені у 4-бальній шкалі. Ця оцінка трансформується в екзаменаційний рейтинговий бал у такий спосіб:

  «відмінно»           – 30 балів;

«добре»                – 23 бали;

«задовільно»       – 18 балів;

«незадовільно»   – 0 балів.

Evaluation Criteria

“Excellent” is given for:

1.  Reading: correct phonetic presentation of the text (1 insignificant phonetic mistake is allowed); adequate translation of the text fragment selected by the examiner into Ukrainian and complete understanding of the text contents conveyed via retelling. Maximum 1 (lexical or grammatical) mistake is allowed.

2.  Full compliance of the commentary with the topic suggested and full coverage of the matter; logical organisation and sufficient volume of the message (minimum 20 utterances). 1 mistake (either phonetic, lexical or grammar is allowed).

3.  Adequate translation of 5 sentences or text fragment from English into Ukrainian,  1  lexical or grammatical mistake are allowed.

“Good” is given for:

1.  Reading: sufficiently correct phonetic presentation of the text (maximum 2 phonetic mistakes are allowed); adequate translation of the text fragment selected by the examiner into Ukrainian and complete understanding of the text contents conveyed via retelling. Maximum 2 (lexical or grammatical) mistakes are allowed.

2.  Full compliance of the commentary with the topic suggested and general coverage of the matter; logical organisation and sufficient volume of the message (minimum 16 utterances). Maximum 3 mistakes (either phonetic, lexical or grammar are allowed).

3.  Adequate translation of the given sentences or text fragment from English into Ukrainian, 2 lexical or grammatical mistakes are allowed.

“Satisfactory” is given for:

1.  Reading: incorrect phonetic presentation of the text (up to 4 phonetic mistakes); adequate translation of the text fragment selected by the examiner into Ukrainian and understanding of the text gist, contents conveyed in general. Maximum 5 (lexical or grammatical) mistakes are allowed in retelling.

2.  Partial compliance of the commentary with the topic suggested and fragmentary coverage of the matter; shifts in logical organisation and  insufficient volume of the message (minimum 12 utterances). Maximum 6 language mistakes (either phonetic, lexical, grammar are allowed).

3.  Adequate translation of the given sentences or text fragment from English into Ukrainian, 4 lexical or grammatical mistakes are allowed.

“Poor” is given for: