In a state of balance, not developing. Right or permission given by authority to do smth, страница 5

3)  Nowadays not many companies are paying enough… to their customer service operations.

a)  consideration   b) application  c) contingency   d) attention

4)  Sometimes the buyers are given the phone numbers in order to get in… with the Customer Service Department.

a)  contact       b) touch           c) acquaintance      d) link

5)  Call centers are used to… the customer service.

a)  ensure       b) evaluate       c) endow                d) enhance 

5.  Insert the prepositions where necessary. Choose from the given ones, but mind that there are odd ones:

At      with      on      to      of      by       above      with       about

a)  Disappointment  can be eased…coupling an apology and explanation…why the service didn’t meet usual standards…sympathy.

b)  The chain prides itself…providing quality products…affordable prices.

c)  The second element is very much… delighting customers, doing something…what they expected.

d)  The service was excellent: they were particularly friendly and helpful…people …small children.

6.  Translate into English:

1)  Новой  политика по обслуживанию покупателей предполагает уделять больше времени и прилагать больше усилий в решении проблем.

2)  Некоторые неискушенные потребители волнуются лишь о цене и не намерены дополнительно платить за сервис.

3)  Рекомендуемые пути улучшения сервиса включают в себя специальные программы по обучению персонала.

4)  Обязанностью главы департамента по обслуживанию потребителей является контроль за тем, как быстро и четко сотрудники реагируют на поступающие жалобы.

5)  Жесткая конкуренция убедила авиалинии, рассматривать  довольство  пассажиров, как существенный маркетинговый инструмент.

6)  Было бы глупо со стороны компаний руководствоваться такими слоганами, как «мы ответственны только перед собой».



1. Match up the terms with their definitions below:

1) Publicity

2) sales promotion

3) advertising agency

4) brand loyalty

5) brand-switcher

6) to plug

7) product endorsement

a)  The consumer who easily goes over to a new brand

b)  The process when famous people recommend a product

c)  The state or a quality of being loyal to a particular product

d)  Informal word meaning to try to make people interested in your product or service, for example by mentioning it in a TV or radio conversation when you are supposed to be talking about something else.

e)  An organization that creates advertising material, contracts for publication space, and sometimes undertakes market research on behalf of its clients.

f)  The technique or process or attracting public attention to people, products, etc.

g)  Activities or techniques intended to create consumer demand for a product or service

2. Match the words on the right with the appropriate words on the left to make up word combinations:















3. Find the synonyms:

To compete       to promote    a rival  a   fight       a battle           a competitor     to advertise       to rival

4. Insert particles or prepositions where necessary. You may use the following ones, but mind that there are odd ones:

In   without         with   on          of   against    about      for.

1) Word-…-mouth advertising;

2) pit oneself … somebody;

3) be in competition ... ;

4) … the blink;

5) … fail;

6) … the last resort.

5. Complete each sentence by deciding which answer (a, b or c) best fits each gap.

1. Oriflame is running an … campaign to publicize its new moisturizer.

a. wild                                     b. belligerent                          c. aggressive