In a state of balance, not developing. Right or permission given by authority to do smth, страница 4

Colleague  to encourage  to cancel  mutual relationship  to postpone  to disappoint to contribute 

give hope  to cooperate have a share in  fail to do  correlation  companion to combine efforts

3.  Match the words to make word combinations:

1)Price                   a)opportunities

2)Lost                    b)targets

3)Conflict              c)loyalty

4)Customer            d)resolution

5)Thinking             e)sensitive

6)Challenging        f)styles

4.  Choose the appropriate word:

1) The Project Team…a broad range of specialists working together to solve a given problem.

a)  Involves    b)  manufactures   c) subdivides      d) supplies

2) A successful leader must be…in his or her own ability to deal with difficult situations and show the qualities of leadership.

a) confident   b) self-confident    c) accountable    d) productive

3) As the old image is becoming less and less … the staff won’t succeed unless they change it.

a) sensitive      b) competitive       c) dangerous      d) rationalized

4) …is a kind of opinion held about something or someone, the degree to which one is trusted.

a) attitude     b) image       c) credit     d) reputation 

5) Once a week the members of the team have a…meeting to discuss the way a project is developed.

a) promising   b) bilateral   c) regular   d) constant

5.  Insert the prepositions where necessary. You may the given ones, but mind that there are odd ones:

In    down     in   on      of     with       in    for.

Failing to concentrate…retaining as well as attracting customers cost businesses huge amounts…money.

1)  There is nothing worse …a relationship than being let… .

2)  …order to continue the relations, answer… the queries, respond quickly…a simple format. 

3)  It is very important…people wanting to do business…China to find an intermediary before they go…the Chinese market.

6.  Translate into English:

1)  Чтобы построить команду вам необходимо знать как ваши собственные сильные и слабые стороны, так и ваших коллег.

2)  В некоторых случаях команде нужен кто-то, кто бы смог повести ее за собой, другими словами- лидер.

3)  Чем больше группа и сложнее поставленные задачи, которые необходимо решить, тем больше необходимость в координаторе совместной деятельности. 

4)  Отношения между участниками любого проекта должны основываться на взаимном доверии.

5)  Работать в команде означает ставить общие цели и интересы выше свои собственных.

6)  Прибыльные компании вкладывают достаточно денежных средств в развитие делового потенциала своих сотрудников.



1.  Match the words with their definitions:

1)  Consumer

2)  Customer

3)  Client

4)  Purchaser

5)  Merchandiser

a)  Someone who buys something expensive usually from another person

b)  Someone who trades goods

c)  Someone who buys goods from a particular shop or company

d)  Someone who pays for services from a professional person or organization

e)  A person who buys and uses goods and services

2.  Find the pairs of synonyms:

Query   to be sure   delight    to contact smb

to be confident     question    to get in touch with      pleasure.

3.  Match the words to make word combinations:

1)  Fierce                a) response

2)   Quick               b) product

3)  Faulty                c) center

4)  Legal                 d) voucher

5)  Satisfied            e) obligations

6)  Gift                    f) customers  

7)  Call                    g)competition

4.  Choose the appropriate word:

1)  Companies have to replace goods free of …if they are faulty.

a)  chain   b) place   c) charge   d) cost

2)  They wanted to … a large order and a bigger discount.

a)  profit   b) place   c) put    d) establish