In a state of balance, not developing. Right or permission given by authority to do smth, страница 13

6.  someone who is not a customer yet, but may become one in the future;

7.  an arrangement by which a customer can withdraw more from a bank account than has been deposited in it, up to an agreed limit; interest on the debt is calculated daily;

8.  a shop through which products are sold to the public;

2.   Insert particles or prepositions if necessary.

a)  The new product … the company is not successful, the sales profits are … the blink, but the managing director declares that their back isn’t  … the wall yet.

b)  Accountants frequently refer … a business organization as an accounting entity.

c)  Some companies develop… the same product…all markets regardless…existing local preferences.

d)  Consumer tastes…cars differ…country…country.

e)  Commercial or retail banks are businesses that trade … money.

f)  Business people have to have a long-term strategy…terms…their career development.

g)  The importance…maintaining relations was drawn…my attention a couple…years ago…a TV producer.

3.  Complete each sentence by choosing the appropriate word.

1.This product is so successful that production was barely able to … demand.

a)handle                             b)cope with                          c)settle

2. … is generally described as openly sponsored and paid for media communications between sellers and buyers.

a) public relations              b)commercial                        c)advertising

3. In order to prepare financial statements, companies do a … … which copies   

all the debit and credit balances of different accounts on a single page.

a) test balance                        b) proving balance                       c) trial balance

4.   A … is a business arrangement in which several people work together, and share the risks and profits.

a) public limited company     b) private company   c) partnership

5. Everyone in business has been told that success is all about attracting and …customers.

a) retaining                            b) providing                    c) recalling

6. Intense competition is…Kimsoong to consider new ways of generating business.

a) letting                               b) forcing                         c) making

7. Nokia has a consistent … of increasing volumes by more than enough to offset falling prices. 

a) focus                                 b) boom                             c) record

5. Translate the following sentences from Russian into English.

1. Рекламы, которая передается «из уст в уста» недостаточно, чтобы завоевать целевую аудиторию и вызвать у потребителей преданность бренду.

2. Свободный денежный поток- это наличные деньги, которые не могут быть с пользой реинвестированы в пределах компании и поэтому время от времени распределяются между акционерами.

3. В связи с ограничением средств, менеджеры по рекламе вынуждены сочетать такие средства продвижения товара, как реклама, связи с общественностью, стимулирование сбыта и деятельность торговых представителей.

4. Система двойной записи показывает движение  денежной наличности. Так как перевод денег с одного счета на другой осуществляется постоянно, любую сделку рассматривают как с точки зрения дебита, так и кредита.

5. Внешние рынки могут предоставить большие возможности для роста компаний.

6. Рыночная цена- результат взаимодействия спроса и предложения на товары и услуги.

7. Текущие счета (чековые депозиты) представляют собой обязательства коммерческих банков и сберегательных учреждений.


I)  Match the words with their definitions:

1)  Bottom line

2)  Core

3)  Morale

4)  Synergy

5)  Alliance

6)  Unsolicited

7)   Scenario analysis

8)   Sensitivity analysis

a)  An agreement between two or more organizations to work together

b)  The figure that shows a company’s total profit or loss

c)  The level of confidence and positive feelings among a group of people who work together