In a state of balance, not developing. Right or permission given by authority to do smth, страница 14

d)  Additional advantages or profits that are produced by two people or organizations combining their ideas and resources

e)  Something that is considered to be the most important and central one

f)  Even if nobody asks for it

g)  A study of all potential consequences of a derivative contract

h)  A study of a particular market changes which could effect the outcome of a derivative contract

II) Find the pairs of synonyms:

To regain, to pretend, to face, workforce, to deal with, activities, takeover, commitments, pitfalls, acquisition, difficulties, get possession again, staff, consignment, to make believe, lot.

III)  Match the words to make expressions:

1)  Circulate               a) auction

2)  Contingency         b) responsibility

3)  Staff                      c) programme

4)  Penny-pinching    d) turnover

5)  Delegate                e) companies

6)  On-line                  f) plan

7)  Recruitment           g) wage

8)  Minimum               h) agency

9)  Night                      i) shift

IV)  Choose the appropriate word to complete the sentences:

1)  How quickly a crisis is related is known as the speed of…

a)  response   b) release   c) flow   d) action

2)  Minimizing the negative effects of a crises is known as damage…

a)  confidence       b) loss      c) perspective       d) limitation

3)  Juggling …is a familiar practice for women with a home and a family

a)  challenges   b) commitments  c) circulation  d) cores

4)  The collapse of the Deutsche- Dresdner Bank merger…the reputation of both parties.

a)  increased    b) improved  c)  tarnished    d) failed 

5)  This company was set up as a small family … in 1999.

a) empire                 b) cooperation          c) business    d) dynasty

6)   Sally Green is on the board of… .

a) directors              b) founders                c) managers   d) lords

7)   Tom East is the … executive in charge of Marketing.

a) chief                    b) head                c) senior        d) super

V)  Insert the given prepositions where necessary (mind that there are odd ones):

from, out, in, at, of, with, to, for, of, in, of, at, on, under, of, for, in

1)  The chain prides itself…providing quality products…affordable prices.

2)  …a survey for Royal Mail a quarter…secretaries polled expressed a preference…a male boss.

3)  There aren’t many women…the higher echelons…international corporations.

4)  …the strategy one should understand which companies…the market will help you achieve…your objectives.

5)  Daniel has applied … a job as a software designer.

6)  Tanya is very skilled… using PCs.

7)  There are currently 780, 000 people … of work in the UK.

VI)  Translate from Russian into English:

1)  Женщины-менеджеры обладают ярко выраженными  способностями осознавать различия между людьми и культурами.

2)  В прошлом году компания была вынуждена отозвать партию своих товаров с зарубежных рынков.

3)  Целеустремленные люди могут преуспеть в бизнесе даже при неблагоприятных обстоятельствах.

4)  Капиталовложение компании в обучение персонала обязательно    принесет дивиденды в форме более результативной работы его сотрудников.

5)  Данная передовая технология кардинально изменила процесс производства. Данные представлены на специальной схеме.

6)  Только 25% прибыли компания получает от продаж на внутреннем рынке


1.  Бедрицкая Л.В. Английский для экономистов: Учебное пособие.- Минск: Книжный Дом; Экоперспектива. 2004.- 235 с.

2.  Cotton D., Falvey D., Kent S. Market Leader. Course Book. Upper Intermediate. Business English/Longman 2001.-176 p.

3.  Mackenzie I. Business Studies/Oxford University Press.2003.-208 p.

4.  Skipper Mark. Advanced Grammar and Vocabulary. Express Publishing 2002, Newbury, Berkshire.