Тестові завдання для перевірки знань з навчальної дисципліни „Англійська мова за професійним спрямуванням”, страница 2

c.  The reduction of jobs in the informal economy, economic restructuring, the expansion of the supply of labour are the main reasons for the alternative forms of work in Great Britain.

3. Read the text again and find the word that means:

1)  Money in coins and notes (p. 2);

2)  Money taken by the state from incomes/sales, etc., which pays for government services (p. 2);

3)  Rules by which a country is governed and the people controlled (p. 2);

4)  Making of a commercially produced product (p. 4);

5)  Lack of jobs (p. 4).

4. Fill in the gaps with the appropriate words:

Free enterprise, profit, exchange, competition, sole proprietorship, capital, production, labour, business, money

1)  … is production, distribution, and sale of goods and services for profit.

2)  Sale is … of products or services for money.

3)  A major goal in functioning of a business is making ….

4)  The company intends to spend more … on roads.

5)  Modern … techniques often involve recycling waste products.

6)  The basic determinant of the amount of the nation’s … is its population.

7)  Factories and equipment are ….

8)  Most firms selling consumers’ goods are in constant … to make new and better products.

9)  The preservation of a system of … is essential to economic freedom.

10)  … is common in most sectors of the UK economy, especially in retailing.

5. Choose the correct form of the verb:

1)  The company … its branches in several foreign countries.

a. opens b. open c. were opening

2)  I … just … the message.

a. has received b. had received c. have received

3)  Thank you for your letter which … at this branch yesterday.

a. was received b. were received c. will be received

4)  The survey … next year.

a. complete b. will be completed c. were completed

5)  When the applicant’s confirmation arrived we … already …

another candidate.

a.  have hired b. has hired c. had hired

6. Put the questions to the underlined words:

1)  Formal economy is the one in which waged labour takes place. (What …?)

2)  The region’s cheap labour attracts many companies. (What …?)

3)  The firm has paid me the expenses. (What …?)

4)  An attractive salary will be offered to the person appointed. (What …?)

5)   He was accused of the leakage of the company’s confidential document. (What …?)

7. Write the letter in the appropriate order, use the notes in box to complete the letter:

You work at Brown & Smith Ltd. as a Marketing Manager. Invite your partners to the official opening of the exibition next month.

1)  Dear Sirs,

2)  Richardson & Smallet Ltd.

4, Boswell Way

Nagstead, Kent

3)  20 May, 2006

4)  Yours faithfully,

R. Hendrics

Marketing Manager

Brown & Smith Ltd.

5)  Brown & Smith Ltd.

1304 Sherman ave.

Madison, Wisconsin

6)  Enc. Invitation

Варіант № 2

1. Translate the marked part of the text:

(1) As a business grows, it may diversify into different product lines. A big business may have such a wide range of products that a whole marketing department is dedicated to monitoring sales and developing new lines. Before any new product is put onto the shop shelves it should get through several stages. The first one is the origination of the idea of a product. Marketing teams get ideas for new products from four main sources.

(2) Competitors’ lines is the “me too” source. If a rival company brings out a particular line which does well, the marketing team will explore the possibility of bringing out a similar line to ensure they have a share of the market.

(3) Brainstorming. Colleagues, customers, friends, etc. are encouraged to make suggestions. Most of the ideas they come up with are impractical, but sometimes a winner  turns up.

(4) Gaps in the market. The marketing team will be continually looking out for new opportunites.

(5) Overseas products. A member of the marketing team will be responsible for keeping an eye out for products abroad which might be suitable for the home market.

(6) Once the idea is adopted the research and development department will find out whether the product can be made. Then members of the marketing department will inform a market research agency about their idea, specifying the target customers they are aiming at. The market researchers then produce a questionnaire which they ask a selected number of people to answer. From their answers they can judge the amount of interest there is in the idea, and what sort of demand there may be for it.

(7) The research and development team can calculate a shelf price for the product taking into account their company’s profit and the retailer’s mark-up. The sales representatives sell the new product to retailers.

2. Read the text and choose the correct answer:

1) Where do ideas of new products originate?

a. Marketing teams get ideas for new products from four main sources: competitors’ lines, brainstorming, gaps in the market, overseas products.

b. Marketing teams get ideas for new products from three main sources: competitors’ lines, brainstorming, gaps in the market.

c. Marketing teams get ideas for new products from two main sources: competitors’ lines, brainstorming.

2) What does “me too” source mean?

a. If a rival company does not bring out a particular line which does well, the marketing team will explore the possibility of bringing out a new line.

b. If a rival company brings out a particular line which does well, the marketing team will explore the possibility of bringing out a new line.

c. If a rival company brings out a particular line which does well, the marketing team will explore the possibility of bringing out a similar line.

3) What is the purpose of a questionnaire?