Designing and analysis ACS (курсовая работа на английском языке), страница 5

Accounting of the cost price is made proceeding at the rate of on one unit of an annual product.

           We shall calculate the price of manufacturing of a product:


С - the full cost price of a product;

           П - profit of the enterprise;

           a - the interest of the profit, is received 15 - 20 % from the full cost price of a product.

Let's define the full cost price of a product:

С = 34,35+53,1+54,96+82,44+41,22+10,31=276,38 UAH

Let's define the price of manufacturing of a product:

= 276,38 * (1+20/100)=331,656 UAH

   we receive 331,66 UAH

Profit of the enterprise on each unit of a product:

П =

П =  UAH

Let's define the TAC on each unit of a product that makes 20 % from the price of a product without the TAC

TAC = 66,33 UAH

The price of a product without taking into account the VAT makes 331,66 UAH. The price of a product in view of the TAC makes 397,99 UAH.

Safety of habitability

Development of actions for safety control of habitability by activity in premises

Safety of habitability is a system of acts, social and economic, organizational actions and the means ensuring safety, health maintenances and function ability of the person during his work.

At designing any industrial object it is necessary to take into account that effect which will be rendered during manufacture on an environment and people involved in this process.

Let's consider possible negative effects on the persons, having a place at assembly of printed-circuit-boards. The main problem thus is creation of the safe working conditions completely excluding a capability of bruises, wounds, burns etc., conducting to disability [7]. Realization of the analysis of harmful and dangerous factors by manufacture of printed-circuit-boards, and also development of the actions directed on liquidation or decreasing of these factors - the purpose undressed safety of habitability.

 The analysis of harmful and dangerous factors

It agrees SBST 12.0.003-74 for a machine hall the dangerous and harmful factors negatively influencing health of the person, are:

1)  Physical factors to which concern:

- the increased level of electromagnetic radiation;

-  insufficient light exposure of a workplace;

-  a high level of a static electricity;

-  the increased noise level;

-  increased / decreased humidity of air;

- increased / decreased temperature of air;

- increased / decreased mobility of air.

2)  Psychophysical factors to which concern:

-  an overstressing visual or acoustic analyzers;

-  monotony of work;

-  emotional overloads.

Actions for decreasing and liquidation

Harmful and dangerous factors

The big value at realization of design activities has exception or decreasing of effect of harmful, dangerous and striking factors.

In GOST 12.1.005-88 it is specified, that at easy (1а) categories of executed activities, should be executed:

 - temperature of air in a machine hall for cold

period, for the warm period ;

          - relative humidity ;

    - speed of motion of air no more .

For maintenance of these characteristics the premise) is instrumented central heating, the conditioners, filtering installations.     

To reduce the dangerous factor - radiation of measuring instruments with an electron-ray tube probably, applying the various shields that are let out by the industry.

Correct calculation and serviceable activity of illumination, conditioners, ventilation, heaters reduces factors of irregular illumination and change of a microclimate.

The level of noise should not exceed 75 dB. Noise level IBM - the compatible computer makes 25 dB. At such use of engineering of action for noise abatement do not carry out.   

Defeats by electric current manage to be avoided, strictly observing safety precautions regulations.

Observance of measures of the safety precautions and the specifications determined SBST, allows to reduce effect of harmful factors and to protect against a contingency a production activity of the person.

The conclusion

As a result of executed activity the research problem of dynamics of the servo-mechanism of an elevator is solved: from the offered block diagram, with the help of package MATLAB, transfer functions and transient characteristics were received. With the help of programs Nyquist and Bode the analysis of stability of a system is carried out. Questions of technological and economic maintenance of the developed system are solved.

 The received results completely meet the requirements of the technical project under all characteristics namely:

-Overshoot   .

-Settling time

List of the literature

1.  Sokolov Y.N. Dynamic characteristics of continuous linear

control systems (in English and Russian languages): Stud. books -  Kharkov: State Aeropace university “HAI”, 2000. – 90p.

2.  Mihalev I.A. etc. Systems of automatic control by airplane. М., “Machine building”, 1971.

3.  Bodner V.A. Control system of flight vehicles. М., “Machine building” , 1973. -   506p.

4.  Bessekersky V.A. Manual on designing automatic control systems. M., “Higher school”, 1983. – 296 p.

5. Siniakov A.N., Shajmardanov F.A. Systems of flight vehicles automatic control and their power plants. - M.: “Mashine building”, 1991. – 320p. 

6. Tereschuk R.M. etc. Semi-conductor receiving-amplifying devices. - Kiev: Scientific idea, 1981, - 800р

7.  Safety of industrial habitability / A.J.Azarevich, V.N.Kobrin, I.V.Kuleshova etc.: Studies. The manual. Kharkov. HAI, 1993. - 31p.  

The appendix