Respiratory Protection Overview

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Содержание работы

Exxon Neftegas Limited Sakhalin-1 Project

Respiratory Protection Overview

After you review the material of this course, remember to return to Mockingbird and take the online test for this course!


Upon completion of this module you will be able to:

  • Describe why respirators are necessary;

  • Describe the consequences of improper fit, use, and maintenance of the respirator;

  • Describe the limitations and capabilities of the respirators;

  • Describe the procedures for maintenance and storage of the respirator;

  • Describe the medical signs and symptoms that may limit or prevent use of a respirator.

Respiratory protection is required to protect personnel from two types of hazards:

1.) Airborne respiratory hazards such as toxic fumes, gases, vapors, mists or dust particles.

Examples include: Asbestos Fibers, Welding Fumes, Insulation/Silica Dust, Benzene, H2S, HF Acid and Lead Particles or Fumes

2.) Oxygen deficient atmospheres.

Examples include: Inert Vessel Entries, Confined Space Inert Welding, or any atmosphere potentially containing less than 19.5% oxygen.

Respiratory protection is no better than the respirator in use. Selecting the respirator appropriate to a given hazard is important, but equally important is using the selected device properly.

Proper fit, use, and maintenance of the respirator are key to the respirator’s ability to protect the worker. An unsuitable respirator may result in worker injury or death.

Common Air Contaminates

Dusts - Asbestos fibers, ceramic and silica dust from refractory, insulation and sand blasting, catalyst dust, lime and lead paint.

Mists - Spray paint, aerosols, pesticides/herbicides, etc.

Gases - H2S, CO, Propane, SO2, Chlorine, Ammonia, Nitrogen.

Vapors - Hydrocarbons & solvents (Benzene, toluene, etc.)

Fumes - Welding, torch cutting, soldering.

Common Air Contaminates

  • Dusts, fumes, gases or vapors, and extreme temperatures can penetrate and damage your respiratory system.

  • Dust and fumes can also irritate your nose and throat, and in some cases, your lungs.

  • Gases, vapors and mist can be absorbed in your bloodstream from your lungs where they have the potential to damage your brain and internal organs.

  • Very hot or cold air can damage the mucous membrane of the mouth cavity and airway, and interfere with your normal breathing.

Oxygen Deficient Atmospheres

  • Any confined space has the potential for having an oxygen deficient atmosphere.

  • An Oxygen deficient atmosphere is anything with O2 less than 19.5%.

  • Oxygen can be displaced by inert gases (i.e. nitrogen or argon) or used up by a chemical reaction or fire.

Two Basic Types Of Respirators:

  • Air Purifying Respirators (APR). They filter out the contaminants.

  • Supplied Air Respirators (SAR). They give clean air to breathe.

Air Purifying Respirators

  • Air-purifying respirators mechanically remove contaminants from the air via filtration.

  • An air-purifying respirator can also use chemicals to clean the air.

APR’s do NOT supply air and must NOT be used in oxygen deficient atmospheres.

Air Purifying Respirators

Cartridges or disposable respirators should NOT be used longer than one work shift. Cartridges should be replaced sooner than one shift if:

  • 1) increased breathing resistance is detected;
  • the odor of contaminant is detected inside the mask;
  • 3) gross contamination of the mask occurs, especially the filters or exhalation valve.

Types of APR’s

2) Half Mask Disposable

1) Half Mask Reusable cartridge type

3) Full Face Re-usable

Typical APR Cartridges

High Efficiency Particulate Air (HEPA)

Organic Vapor

Combination Organic Vapor/HEPA

Acid Gas

Typical APR Cartridges

Organic Vapor

OV cartridges are used to filter hydrocarbons, solvents, gasoline, toluene, paint thinners. OV stands for Organic Vapor. OV cartridges will be labeled with “OV” or “Organic Vapor” and are color coded with a black band.

Typical APR Cartridges

High Efficiency Particulate Air (HEPA)

HEPA cartridges are used to filter particulates, fibers, welding fumes, catalyst dust, dry powders. HEPA stands for High Efficiency Particulate Air. A HEPA respirator will remove 99.97% of very small particles from the air. All respirators or respirator cartridges that are HEPA rated will be marked with HEPA on the package and are color-coded pink-purple.

Typical APR Cartridges

Combination Organic Vapor/HEPA

Dual purpose cartridges designed to give protection from particulates and organic vapors.

Typical APR Cartridges

Acid Gas

Acid Gas cartridges are used to filter sulfur dioxide. Acid gas cartridges are labeled and color coded yellow.


  • Employees using the equipment need to inspect their own equipment. Do not place your life in anyone else’s hands!
  • Components must be removed from service if their function has been adversely affected.



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