Project 2000. Using E-mail Based Workgroup Features, страница 4

If you are still unable to add or run the New Team Status Report you may need to copy the OLMENU.dll file into the System folder of your windows root. Both OLMENU.ecf and OLMENU.dll can be found on the Microsoft Project 2000 CD.

Troubleshooting Workgroup Issues

There can be a wide range of issues that you may run into with workgroup messaging. Depending on the issue, you may take different steps. However, you should at least be able to answer the following three questions before troubleshooting any workgroup messaging issue:

1.  Is the e-mail client program fully MAPI compliant?

2.  Is the e-mail client program able to recognize and use custom messaging (for example Outlook, Exchange, MS Mail)?  If not, then there is no need to check the MSMAIL32.ini or HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Mail\Custom Messages settings, as these are specific to custom messaging.

3.  If the customer is using a 3rd party mail client, are the file associations set correctly?  The workgroup data file attached to the e-mail message has an “.mxm” extension.

Workgroup Messaging Details and Troubleshooting

The following are details about the workgroup messaging and some common problems.

n  When a resource gets a message, the year displays only two digits. There is no way to change this; years will always be two digits.

n  When you send a TeamAssign, TeamUpdate or TeamStatus message, an indicator is displayed. If you want to remove the indicator, you can do so by switching to the Task Usage view inserting the Response Pending, Update Needed or TeamStatus Pending field and on the assignment, setting the value to No.

n  When using email based workgroup messaging, you may get the message "Microsoft Project was unable to load an electronic mail program. Reinstall your electronic mail program and then restart your computer." It’s possible that the registry has a setting that is incorrect. Check in the following location for a key named MAPIDLL: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Office\8.0\Common If this key exists, it likely shouldn't be there and is likely causing the problem. You can rename the key to something else; restart Microsoft Project 2000 and retest.  Be sure that the Win.ini file has at least the following: [mail] Mapi = 1 Mapix = 1

n  If a client machine has the Workgroup features installed (WGSETUP has been run) and if all messages are being intercepted by Microsoft Team Manager (MTMAIL.exe) but Microsoft Team Manager isn't on the system you'll need to completely uninstall WGSETUP and then install. If you just reinstall, the proper registry settings are not going to be updated that will allow things to work with OPENMAIL.exe.

n  When you open a TeamAssign message received in e-mail, work will always be listed in hours as long as OPENMAIL.exe has opened the message. If you see work listed in any thing other than hours, Microsoft Team Manager (MTMMAIL.exe) has opened the mail. An easy way to tell this is to look at the bottom of the TeamAssign form where you'll see a drop-down list labeled "Make changes to:" and a Microsoft Team Manager plan listed.

n  When a project manager accepts a returned TeamAssign message the associated task may receive a constraint. You may see this behavior when the following occurs: 1.    A TeamAssign message is sent to the resource(s). 2.    The task is rescheduled in the project before the project manager accepts the returned TeamAssign message. 3.    The project manager accepts (clicks Update Project) the returned TeamAssign message. The task(s) now has a constraint date. The constraint forces the task to reschedule to the date where it was when the TeamAssign message was sent -- the agreed upon date. This is by-design.

n  When you send TeamStatus messages, the smallest increment of time that a resource can report time for is 1 day. Therefore, if you have a 1-day task and a resource reports 1-minute of actual work, the 1-minute is going to spread across the entire day and pushes out the finish date for the task. This means that if this task has successors, they too will move because of the task's new finish date.