The Product Code is a Global Unique Identifier (GUID). In order to maintain global uniqueness, each component is assigned a GUID that appear in the registry. The GUID prevents collisions between components that should be distinct from one another. The entire Microsoft Project 2000 product is a component. You cannot run Maintenance Mode setup if the previous registry key is missing.
Like previous versions of Microsoft Project, removing Microsoft Project 2000 does not remove all the files associated with the product as some may still be in use by the operating system.
Removing Microsoft Project 2000 on Microsoft® Windows NT® removes the Microsoft Project 2000 files when you are a member of the local User group. A member of the User group can remove all of Microsoft Project, even when the Administrator installs Microsoft Project 2000 with the /jm switch. The appropriate system policy must be applied to prevent a non-Administrator from removing Microsoft Project 2000 from a Windows NT machine.
Uninstalling Microsoft Project 2000 does not uninstall the Windows Installer. Once this is installed, it becomes a part of the operating system and is separate from Microsoft Project. If you want to remove Windows Installer, Microsoft provides the Windows Installer CleanUp Utility. For more information on this utility, see KB Article Q238413. |
The resiliency of Microsoft Project 2000 is tightly integrated with the operating system. Therefore, the desktop shell must meet minimum requirements in order for Microsoft Project to be self-repairing. For example, clicking a shortcut makes an immediate call to the associated file and attempts to open it. When you click on the Microsoft Project 2000 shortcut installed by Microsoft Project, API calls must go to a intermediate source that checks to make sure all files are in place before an attempt is made to open the file. This also applies to when the feature is set for installation on first use.
The operating system “patch” that makes this happen is the Windows Desktop Update feature of Microsoft Internet Explorer version 4.01. In order for Installed on First Use to be an option for Microsoft® Windows 95® or Windows NT 4.0 and for self-repairing operations to occur from shortcuts on the desktop, you must have Internet Explorer 4.01, Service Pack1 or later with Microsoft® Windows® Desktop Update installed. This is not a problem for Microsoft® Windows® 98 or Microsoft® Windows® 2000 since these files come pre-installed.
When the proper operating system files are in place, “fake” shortcuts are created in the Programs folder for Microsoft Project 2000. Instead of directly attempting to open the associated file, Windows makes a call to the resiliency features of Microsoft Project 2000 to allow resiliency and self-repairing of the application.
If you install Internet Explorer 5 on either Windows 95 or Windows NT 4.0 and you did not previously have Internet Explorer 4.01 with Service Pack 1 and during the installation enable Windows Desktop Update, you perform the following step to enable the self-repairing behavior from the desktop. 1. Uninstall Internet Explorer 5 through Add/Remove Programs. 2. Install Internet Explorer 4.01 with Service Pack 1 and enable Windows Desktop Update. 3. Install Internet Explorer 5 (\ie5\en\ie5setup.exe). Fix the shortcuts by running the following command-line: [path]\setup.exe /fs install.msi where [path] is the path to your setup source. |
Microsoft Project 98 shipped with several extra components on the CD called the Value Pak. With Microsoft Project 2000, the value pack is no longer located on the CD but is available on the Microsoft OfficeUpdate Web site, HTTP://OFFICEUPDATE.MICROSOFT.COM. This is a great resource for updates, patches, and other Internet downloads for Microsoft Project.
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