If there are any network or URL sources in the SourceList, the network browse dialog box (a user can still insert a CD and choose it from the “Use feature from:” combo box), is displayed otherwise the dialog to browse media sources is displayed.
The source list displayed in the “Use feature from:” combo box is the value from the LastUsedSource key, so that a user can retry easily, assuming network traffic caused a temporary time out. Clicking the dropdown for the combo box shows all sources in the source list, sorted according to the search rules described above. By default this list contains all network sources built using drive letter information, followed by a media volume label and any URLs from the URL source list. Order of network and URL sources is defined by the order in which they appear in their respective lists.
By choosing OK the installer attempts to validate the source specified in the combo box, by checking both the existence of the package file and the {PackageCode} in the property stream of the package file. If the path to the package file is invalid, an error is generated. Clicking OK gives you another opportunity to find the correct location of the package.
Choosing Browse brings up the standard system File:Open dialog box with the file type filter set to “Installation Package (*.msi)”. The path returned for the File:Open dialog is verified by comparing the {PackageCode} in the referenced *.MSI file with the {PackageCode} for the source list. If they match, the source is added to the Use feature from combo box, set as the LastUsedSource value and added to the network or URL list depending on the type of source. If the source browsed is already in the source list, the source is not added again.
For more information, see Knowledge Base article <A HREF= "http://www.microsoft.com/kb/articles/QQ22/4/09.htm" TARGET=_self><I>Q224097 "OFF2000: ErrMsg "The feature you are trying to use is on a ...". |
For more information, see Knowledge Base article <A HREF= "http://www.microsoft.com/kb/articles/Q217/7/06.htm" TARGET=_self><I>Q217706 "OFF2000: "The feature you are trying..." Error Removing Office".</A> When you are finished reviewing the article, click the Back button on your browser toolbar to return to this course.</I> |
There are two scenarios when the source list needs to be modified:
n An administrator is making plans to deploy Microsoft Project 2000, has set up several identical application servers and wants to make them available to a group of users.
n All known sources are searched and no valid one is found, so the user is prompted for a valid source. The resulting valid source is added to that user’s source list.
Administrators and users have several options that allow fast modifications to the source list.
Method 1 – Using the Custom Installation Wizard:
Use the Office Custom Installation Wizard to incorporate the sources into the Transform file.
1. Start the Custom Installation Wizard.
2. When you get to Step 12 within the wizard, click Add.
3. Either type or browse to the desired server location.
4. Click OK
5. Repeat Steps 2-4 above for each source location.
6. Finish the Custom Installation Wizard.
7. Start setup using the following command line:
<path>\setup.exe \i<name of .msi file>
\t<name of transform>.mst
When you use the Transform approach, you can modify the SETUP.INI to include the transform so you don't have to add it to the command line.
To modify the SETUP.INI to include the Transform, perform the following steps:
1. Open the SETUP.INI.
2. Remove the semi-colon before [MST]. Do not forget to remove the semi-colon before [MST] or else this section will be ignored.
3. Add the following line to this section: MST1=<path>\<name of transform file>\.mst
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