-1 - Unable to successfully communicate with TheCableAVR hardware
-2 - User cancelled programming of device
-3 - Unable to open selected project file
-4 - Unable to open either the Flash or the EEPROM file
-5 - Flash file too large for selected device
-6 - EEPROM file too large for the selected device
-7 - Bad checksum (hex or eep files only) in Flash or EEPROM file
TheCableAVR hardware consists of a programming cable that has a 9-pin serial port connection on one end and a 10 pin IDC plug on the other. There are two indicator LEDs on the cable, Power and Busy. The green Power LED is lit anytime the cable has power (applied through the target system.) The red Busy LED is lit whenever the cable is holding the target system in reset to perform some programming operation (Read, Program, Verify, etc.)
The 10-pin IDC header on the target system should be pinned out as follows:
Pin |
Name |
Description |
I/O |
1 |
Vcc |
Programmer Power (+Vcc) |
- |
2 |
NC |
No Connect |
- |
3 |
NC |
No Connect |
- |
4 |
SPI - Master Out Slave In |
O |
5 |
NC |
No Connect |
- |
6 |
SPI – Master In Slave Out |
I |
7 |
Programmer GND |
- |
8 |
SCK1 |
SPI – Serial Clock |
O |
9 |
Programmer GND |
- |
10 |
Target RESET Control Pin |
O |
Figure 8 shows a top-view of the IDC header. Connector shown is the male 10-pin IDC connector as viewed from above the component side of the target board.
Top View
For TheCableAVR programmer to work correctly, certain conditions must be met within the target system.
SPI Enable Fuse
The SPI Enable Fuse (SPIEN) must be ENABLED on the target processor in order for TheCableAVR programmer to work correctly. The SPIEN fuse can only be read/programmed in parallel programming mode. The default for the processors is SPIEN enabled.
Reset Circuit
The serial programming mode of the ATMEL AVR devices are initiated by setting the RESET pin to the appropriate RESET state. So, in order to place the target processor in serial programming mode, TheCableAVR hardware must be able to externally control the state of the RESET pin.
TheCableAVR hardware is powered from the target application. Pins 1 and 9 are VCC (+5 VDC) and GND, respectively.
Target System Oscillator
The target system oscillator must be running for TheCableAVR to access the target processor. The frequency must be an acceptable frequency for the target processor. The acceptable frequencies can be found in the microcontroller data sheets.
Note: The oscillator could be an external crystal/resonator or an internal RC oscillator.
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