Use this drop-down list to select the type of target processor. Selecting a processor automatically clears the flash and EEPROM buffers and reset the Statistics fields. If there are Special Options available for the processor, this command button is enabled. The Auto Detect command button automatically selects the processor type for the user if the processor is not protected.
Auto Detect
The Auto Detect command button automatically selects the processor type. When the Auto Detect command button is clicked, TheCableAVR reads the processor’s signature bytes and determines the type of processor. The appropriate Device Type list item is then selected and the Statistics fields are updated accordingly.
Note, if the processor is read protected (security fuse bits enabled), then invalid signature bytes are returned and the type of processor cannot be determined. If this happens, a message is returned, “Device is Locked. Unable to determine type of device.” and the Device Type field is not changed.
The Security drop-down list allows the user to select from three levels of security. These correspond to the lock bits on the processors.
Level 1 - no lock bits programmed – the device can be read and written to.
Level 2 – LB1 programmed, LB2 not programmed – further programming of the Flash and EEPROM is disabled.
Level 3 – LB1 and LB2 programmed – further programming and reading are both disabled for Flash and EEPROM.
The Security level can be read from or written to the processor at any time by using the Device pull-down menu items Read Security and Write Security.
Special Options
The Special Options command button is enabled for processors that have fuse bits that can be programmed. When it is clicked, a Special Options window is displayed to allow the user to setup the fuse bits for that particular processor.
Check Signature
When the Check Signature option is checked, TheCableAVR checks the signature bytes before performing a program, read, or verify on the processor. If the signature bytes do not match the selected processor, the user is given a warning message “Device Signature Error” and the selected operation is aborted.
Blank Check
When the Blank Check option is checked, TheCableAVR automatically performs a blank check after the chip erase during the programming operation. If the processor did not completely erase, the user is issued a warning “Flash (or EEPROM) Area is Not Blank” and the programming operation is aborted.
The Pgm CODE (FLASH) option selects/deselects the flash area of the processor for programming, reading, and blank checking operations. Each of these operations is performed on the flash area only if the Pgm CODE (FLASH) option is selected. (If this option is not checked, the operation skips the flash area.)
The Pgm DATA (EEPROM) option selects/deselects the EEPROM area of the processor for programming, reading, and blank checking operations. Each of these operations is performed on the EEPROM area only if Pgm DATA (EEPROM) option is selected. (If this option is not checked, the operation skips the EEPROM area.)
Note: If the Preserve Data (EEPROM) option is selected, the Pgm DATA (EEPROM) option is selected and disabled. Part of the Preserve Data operation is to program the EEPROM area, so this option has to be selected.
Preserve DATA (EEPROM)
In order to program the flash area of the processor, a chip erase must first be performed. This erases the contents of both the flash and the EEPROM areas. In some cases, it is desirable to preserve the current EEPROM data in the processor. When the Preserve DATA (EEPROM) option is selected, the EEPROM area of the processor is read and stored in the EEPROM buffer (of the PC application) before the chip erase is performed. After the flash area is programmed and verified, the EEPROM area is programmed from the EEPROM buffer.
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