A bulleted
list is easy for the speaker, not always for the audience:
Not every though can be split completely into bullet points.
Sequence does not imply causality.
Iterated bullets often just imagine structure.
Only put Material on the slides you want the audience to
see Content pages/Navigation only if they help the audience.
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A bulleted
list is easy for the speaker, not always for the audience:
Not every though can be split completely into bullet points.
Sequence does not imply causality.
Iterated bullets often just imagine structure.
Only put
Material on the slides you want the audience to see Content pages/Navigation
only if they help the audience.
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Your Slides should look accordingly.
(General Hints: Edward Tufte: The Cognitive Style of PowerPoint)
Proofread (or at least use a spell checker)
Plain background I strongly prefer black on white. One can use quiet colors. No Wallpaper!
Slides should emphasize content not decoration or navigation aids
Easily readable fonts
No transition gimmicks
In particular no repetition of transition gimmicks They look very lame if you go back to a slide
Some people may have difficulties viewing your slides : Color
Your Slides should look accordingly.
(General Hints: Edward Tufte: The Cognitive Style of PowerPoint)
Proofread (or at least use a spell checker)
Plain background I strongly prefer black on white. One can use quiet colors. No Wallpaper!
Slides should emphasize content not decoration or navigation aids Easily readable fonts
No transition gimmicks
In particular no repetition of transition gimmicks They look very lame if you go back to a slide
Some people may have difficulties viewing your slides : Color
Your Slides should look accordingly.
(General Hints: Edward Tufte: The Cognitive Style of PowerPoint)
Proofread (or at least use a spell checker)
Plain background I strongly prefer black on white. One can use quiet colors. No Wallpaper!
Slides should emphasize content not decoration or navigation aids Easily readable fonts
No transition gimmicks
In particular no repetition of transition gimmicks They look very lame if you go back to a slide
Some people may have difficulties viewing your slides : Color
As you have limited space go easy on decorations and navigation
As the resolution is low, smoothened characters look differently. In particular be careful with thin lines: A
Colors look different than on a Monitor, depending on the projector:
LCD Projector (Older Technology, large projectors): Light colors will not be visible
DLP Projector (Newer, usually very small): Tiny mirrors produce very bright picture but colors come out darker
As you have limited space go easy on decorations and navigation
As the resolution is low, smoothened characters look differently. In particular be careful with thin lines: A
Colors look different than on a Monitor, depending on the projector:
LCD Projector (Older Technology, large projectors): Light colors will not be visible
DLP Projector (Newer, usually very small): Tiny mirrors produce very bright picture but colors come out darker
As you have limited space go easy on decorations and navigation
As the resolution is low, smoothened characters look differently. In particular be careful with thin lines: A
Colors look different than on a Monitor, depending on the projector:
LCD Projector (Older Technology, large projectors): Light colors will not be visible
DLP Projector (Newer, usually very small): Tiny mirrors produce very bright picture but colors come out darker
You cannot assume that your laptop will work by default on projector X.
In particular older projectors may not be able to synchronize to new laptops.
If possible at all, try out your laptop in advance. Also know how to change your display settings.
If all fails, have a Plan B:
Have your slides on a memory stick (+USB cable).
PDF is probably the only format any laptop can display
Think about carrying printed slides
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