6.1. Proceeding from a condition 3.5, we define{determine} traction effort which should provide one приводное a part:
Тзв = 0,8Т;
Тзв = 0,8×600 = 480 Н.
6.2. Force of a clip of wheels to a pipe, carried to one clamping wheel:
Pressure upon a paint from a wheel:
According to a condition 3.6, we receive:
, (6.2)
6.3. Total force of a sliding friction of pairs a wheel-pipe:
According to a condition 3.7, we receive:
6.4. Приводной the twisting moment of the engine led axes приводных of wheels:
The moment of friction качения pairs the wheel-pipe, led axes приводных wheels:
The moment of useful traction effort led axes приводных of wheels:
According to a condition 3.8, we receive:
, (6.4)
7. Optimization of design data of the robot
According to a condition 3.8, capacity{power} of the engine приводных wheels
should be
minimized at
restrictions 5, 6.2, 6.3, 6.4.
Thus, the problem{task} of optimization looks{appears} as follows:
Thus v = 0,03 km/s;
Тзв = 480 Н;
h = 0,8;
[s] = 2×107 Па;
р = 2×105 … 6×105 Па;
b = 0,015 … 0,03 m;
D = 0,1 … 0,16 m;
f = 0,1 … 0,25;
r = 0,005 … 0,020 m;
d = 0,015 … 0,030 m;
u = 30 … 100.
The above-stated values of parameters are defined{determined} by the constructive reasons, available materials and completing products.
The problem{task} of optimization is solved on a computer by numerical methods.
Following values of parameters are received:
р = 4×105 Па;
b = 0,025 m;
D = 0,12 m;
f = 0,2;
r = 0,01 m;
d = 0,025 m;
u = 100.
Optimum parameters of the engine:
Мдв = 1,8 Nanometers;
w = 300 with-1;
N = 540 Вт.
6 Conclusion
The purpose of transport robots-труболазов is security of execution of special technological operations inside of pipelines of various{different} assignment and a configuration. In overwhelming number of cases such operations are executed by people-operators, that in a lot of cases (as, for example, at painting) leads to poor quality or productivity.
The robots created in СПбГПУ allow to resolve this problem, especially when execution of these operations by people basically is impossible (pipes of small diameter) or is linked with risk for health. Especially in case of robot ZE 02/05-2, operations can be made not only in pipes of very complex{difficult} configuration, but enough long (up to 50м).
Robots for migration to pipelines can be used in following areas:
- In oil pipelines and gas conduits for diagnosing, a videoinspection, definition of quality of a coverage, repair.
- In sewer pipelines for diagnosing, procleaning, washing, extraction of extraneous subjects, repair.
- In waterpipes of cold and hot water supply for diagnostics and repair.
- In the ship-building industry for clearing and painting of an internal surface of pipes of ballast systems of tankers, pipes of ventilating{ventilation} systems.
The further operations in the given direction are linked with creation of robots for especially small diameters of pipes (less 200мм); for pipelines with variable diameter of pipes; the autonomous robots equipped by board accumulators for power supply of drives and operated by radio stations.
[1] Professor Albert Bashkarev Dr.Sc., Professor Vladimir Maslov Dr.Sc., Ing. Mikhail Sedler. Saint-Petersburg State Polytechnical University, 29 Polytechnicheskaya str., St.-Petersburg, 195251, Russia, Phon/Fax: 7 (812) 534-07-64
e-mail: vimaslov@citadel.stu.neva.ru
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