Table 2. V&V in Concept and Requirements Definition
Decision Point |
Work Products/Product Components/Products Subject to V&V |
V&V Criteria |
Stakeholder Responsible for V&V |
Investment Analysis Readiness Decision |
Preliminary Program Requirements Document (including Concept of Use) |
Validation: · Enterprise Architecture Infrastructure Roadmaps · Concept of Operations Verification: · Program Requirements Document template |
Lines of Business (non-ATO)/Service Units (ATO) and ATO Systems Engineering |
Enterprise Architecture products and amendments |
Validation: · Enterprise Architecture Infrastructure Roadmaps Verification: · Applicable standards and templates for content and format |
Enterprise Architecture Control Board (NAS and Non-NAS) and ATO Systems Engineering |
Shortfall Analysis |
Validation: · Enterprise Architecture Infrastructure Roadmaps · NextGen Implementation Plan Verification: · Concept and Requirements Definition Guidelines, Appendix B |
Lines of Business (non-ATO)/Service Units (ATO) and ATO Systems Engineering |
Initial Investment Analysis plan |
Validation: · Concept of Operations · Preliminary Program Requirements Document · Enterprise Architecture Infrastructure Roadmaps Verification: · Investment Analysis Plan template |
Lines of Business (non-ATO)/Service Units (ATO), ATO Investment Planning and Analysis organization, and ATO Systems Engineering |
IA is a flexible process that is tailored for the specific analysis to be performed. Tailoring actions are approved by the Acquisition Executive or the Investment Decision Authority (IDA) and recorded in the appropriate plan and record of decision for Initial or Final Investment Analysis.
Initial Investment Analysis evaluates alternative solutions to mission need and provides realistic options to the IDA that satisfy FAA strategic and performance goals and achieve best overall value for the FAA and its customers. The principal outputs are the updated Program Requirements Document (uPRD), preliminary business case, preliminary Exhibit 300 (for designated programs), updated EA products and amendments, and plan for Final Investment Analysis.
The primary focus of V&V during Initial Investment Analysis is to validate updated program requirements and the business case to ensure selection of the best alternative for implementation.
The decision point for Initial Investment Analysis along with the corresponding minimum required work products that must be verified and validated, the criteria for the V&V activities (i.e. what each must be V&V’d against) in addition to the concurrence of the appropriate stakeholders, and the stakeholders responsible for V&V are identified in Table 3.
Table 3. V&V in Initial Investment Analysis
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