While performing V&V, all stakeholders must be cognizant of the validity of V&V activities that were performed (or missed) on prerequisite work products, product components, and products. V&V stakeholders should always be judicious of the documentation used as the basis for the current V&V activity. If inconsistencies or conflicts are found with that documentation due to previous or missing V&V activities, they must be documented and adjudicated.
A work product represents, defines, or directs the end product (system, service, facility, or operational change). This includes concepts of operation, processes, plans, procedures, designs, descriptions, requirements, specifications, models, prototypes, contracts and other documents. The scope of verification and validation activities for work products along with the specific work products to undergo V&V will vary based on program complexity and available resources. Section 3 of this document identifies the minimum set of work products that must undergo V&V during the AMS lifecycle. V&V of work products is accomplished in all AMS lifecycle phases.
Verification of work products is performed to ensure that standards, templates, or other requirements that define their content and purpose are properly followed. Reviews and checklists against standards are an effective means of verifying work products to ensure consistency, completeness, and correctness.
Validation of work products ensures that the work product supports the development of an operationally effective and suitable end product. Surveys and walk-throughs are effective means of validating work products to ensure that they support the intended use of the end product.
The primary verification methods for work products are listed below. The verification of a specific work product will use one or more of these methods. Definitions and descriptions of these methods can be found in the Acquisition Processes and FAST websites.
Work Product Verification Methods
The primary validation methods for work products are listed below. The validation of a specific work product will use one or more of these methods. Definitions and descriptions of these methods can be found in the Acquisition Processes and FAST websites.
Work Product Validation Methods
As defined previously in Paragraph 1.2.1, a product is a system (hardware and/or software), service, facility or operational change intended for delivery to a customer or end user. Product components are lower-level elements of the product which are integrated to produce the final product. Verification and validation are performed on both products and product components. Verification ensures that products or product components have been built properly to the specifications, as delineated in supporting work products. Validation ensures that the major product components and the final integrated products are operationally effective and suitable to the end users and maintainers. The scope of verification and validation activities for products and product components will vary based on the program complexity and available resources.
Verification and validation of products and product components is primarily accomplished via Test and Evaluation (T&E). While V&V efforts performed by T&E personnel occur in all phases of the AMS lifecycle, T&E of products and product components primarily occurs in Solution Implementation and In-Service Management. During Solution Implementation, T&E is divided into three major activities: Development Test (DT), Operational Test (OT), and Independent Operational Test and Evaluation (IOT&E).
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