C1995 National Semiconductor Corporation TL/H/7149 RRD-B30M115/Printed in U. S. A.
Absolute Maximum Ratings If Military/Aerospace specified devices are required, Power Dissipation (Note 2) 1500 mW please contact the National Semiconductor Sales Operating Temperature Range b40§C to a85§C Office/Distributors for availability and specifications. Storage Temperature Range b65§C to a150§C Supply Voltage Between Pin 11 and Pins 4, 14 a16V Lead Temperature DC Current Out of Pin 12 5 mA (Soldering, 10 seconds) 260§C DC Current Out of Pin 13 5 mA DC Current Out of Pin 15 2 mA Electrical Characteristics (TA e 25§C, VCC ea12V, see Test Circuit) |
Symbol |
Parameter |
Conditions |
Min |
Typ |
Max |
Units |
I11 |
Supply Current |
16 |
23 |
30 |
mA |
V1, 2, 3 |
IF Input and Bias |
1.2 |
1.9 |
2.4 |
V |
V6 |
Audio Output |
5.0 |
5.6 |
6.0 |
V |
V7 |
AFC Output |
5.0 |
5.6 |
6.0 |
V |
V10 |
Reference Bias |
5.0 |
5.6 |
6.0 |
V |
V12 |
Mute Control |
5.0 |
5.4 |
6.0 |
V |
V13 |
IF Level |
0 |
0.5 |
V |
V15 |
Delayed AGC |
4.2 |
4.7 |
5.3 |
V |
DYNAMIC CHARACTERISTICS fo e 10.7 MHZ, Df eg75 kHz @ 400 Hz |
Input Limiting b3 dB |
12 |
25 |
mV |
AM Rejection |
VIN e 100 mV, AM: 30% |
45 |
55 |
bdB |
VO(AF) |
Recovered Audio |
VIN e 10 mV |
300 |
400 |
500 |
mVrms |
Total Harmonic Distortion Single Tuned (Note 1) |
VIN e 100 mV |
0.5 |
1.0 |
% |
Double Tuned (Note 1) |
VIN e 100 mV |
0.1 |
0.3 |
% |
SaN/N |
Signal to Noise Ratio |
VIN e 100 mV |
60 |
70 |
dB |
V12 |
Mute Control |
VIN e 100 mV |
0 |
0.5 |
V |
V13 |
IF Level |
VIN e 100 mV |
4.0 |
5.0 |
6.0 |
V |
V13 |
IF Level |
VIN e 500 mV |
1.0 |
1.5 |
2.0 |
V |
V15 |
Delayed AGC |
VIN e 100 mV |
0.1 |
0.5 |
V |
V15 |
Delayed AGC |
VIN e 30 mV |
2.5 |
V |
VO(AF) |
Audio Muted |
VIN e 100 mV, V5 ea2.5V |
60 |
bdB |
Note 1: Distortion is a function of quadrature coil used. Note 2: For operation in ambient temperatures above 25§C, the device must be derated based on a 150§C maximum junction temperature and a thermal resistance of 80§C/W junction to ambient. Typical Performance Characteristics Typical AGC (Pin 15) and Typical S a N/N and IF Limiting Meter Output (Pin 13) vs AM Rejection (30% Mod) vs
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