План-конспект урока
№ |
Этапы урока |
Задачи этапа |
Содержание этапа |
Режим работы |
Способы контроля |
Время (мин.) |
Примечания |
I |
Орг. момент |
Подготовить учащихся к активной работе на уроке |
Good afternoon! Sit down, please. How are you today? (- I’m fine, thank you! - I’m so-so. (-Why you are so-so?) I’m very well, thank you.) Who is absent? (…) OK. Thank you! |
устно |
2 |
II |
Фонетическая зарядка |
Снять фонетические трудности |
Please, open your books at page 170 ex. 1 (“Which Is Better?”). It’s a poem. Now we will read it! I will read a line and you repeat after me (Say well and do well end with one letter. Say well is good, do well is better.) Now, please, read these lines one by one and translate them. Who try to read the whole poem? Ok, try! Very well! Nice you are! |
индив. |
устно устно устно |
3 |
учебник |
Речевая разминка |
Снять речевые трудности, учить высказывать свое личное мнение |
OK, boys and girls, what do you think about this poem? Do you like it? Why? Are you agree with this? Can you give us your own examples to prove this poem? |
устно |
4 |
IV |
Контроль уровня знаний |
Проконтролировать уровень усвоенности пройденного грамматического материала |
Today you will write a Grammar Test. Please, open your copy-books, write down the date and Grammar Test. Open your exercise-books at p. 112-113 ex.10. I’ll give you 2 minutes to revise your rule. Ребята, запишите, пожалуйста, карандашиком на полях какие упражнения вам необходимо будет выполнить! Be very attentive! P. 133 ex. 12 (Put in more or less) (1. Trips by sea are … exciting than by plane.); p. 134 ex. 14 (Write adverbs from the given adjectives) (angry, nice, slow, etc.); ex. 15 (Complete the sentences with the adjective or adverb in brackets) (1. She speaks English (good/ well)); p. 135 ex. 17 (Complete the story with suitable adverbs given after the text) (Pat loves her dog and looks after him very …); ex. 18 (Put in prepositions where necessary) (1. Many boys are interested … computers.). Do you have any questions? So, do your tests! Good luck! |
самост. индив. |
устно устно письм. |
35 |
учебник |
V |
Заключительный этап |
Подведение итогов, оценивание работы учащихся. |
Your hometask will be the same. Thank you for attention and active work with the poem! The lesson is over. Good buy! |
1 |
на доске |
Уважаемый посетитель!
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