(OABO and OACO). The optimal off-line solution has cost CO plus OA BO). The ratio tends to tends to 0.
As observed earlier, no other partition of the customer sets can lead to a better solution. Therefore, any algorithm has a competitive ratio greater than or equal to . ■
Next, we analyze the performance of the algorithms IMMEDIATE and DELAY when applied to Euclidean instances.
Theorem 7. The competitive ratio of Algorithm IMMEDIATE for Euclidean instances is 2 and the bound is tight.
Proof. Same argument as Theorem 2. ■
Theorem 8. The competitive ratio of Algorithm DELAY for Euclidean instances is 2 and the bound is tight.
Proof. Same argument as Theorem 3. ■
Next, we analyze the performance of algorithm SMART(p) on Euclidean instances when p = 2.
Theorem 9. The competitive ratio of Algorithm SMART(2) for Euclidean instances is . The algorithm is optimal.
Proof. The optimal solution for any instance partitions thecustomersinC1|2 intotwosets,thesetofcustomersvisited inthefirsttimeperiod,C(1|2)a,andthesetofcustomersvisited in the second time period, C(1|2)b.
As before, we denote by L(1|2)a and L(1|2)b the length of an optimal tour starting and ending at the depot and visitsimilar way, we defineing all customers in CL(11|2,()1a|2)anda andC(L1|22,)(b1, respectively. In a|2)b so that z∗(I) =
L1,(1|2)a +L2,(1|2)b. Furthermore, let M = max(L2,L(1|2)b) ≤ L2,(1|2)b. Observe that from the triangle inequality we have the following inequalities
L1,1|2 ≤ L1,(1|2)a + L(1|2)b ≤ L1,(1|2)a + M (1) z∗(I) ≥ L1,(1|2)a + M ≥ L1 + M. (2) If L1,1|2 ≤ 2L1, then Algorithm IMMEDIATE is applied and, from (1) and (2), we derive
rSMART(I) = |2 + L2 ≤ L1,(1|2)a + M+ + L2
L1,(1|2)a + L2,(1|2)b L1,(1|2)a M
≤ L1,(1|2)a + 2M
L1,(1|2)a + M
≤ L1 ++2M = 1 ++2(M/L1)
L1 M 1 (M/L1)
Moreover, from L1,1|2 ≤ 2L1 and (2), we derive
≤ .
If L1,1|2 > 2L1, then Algorithm DELAY is applied and from z∗(I) ≥ Lall ≥ max(L1,1|2,L1|2,2), we obtain
In conclusion, we have rSMART(I) ≤ 23 for all instances I.
Thus, rSMART when p = 2. The tightness of the bound andtheoptimalityofthealgorithmcomefromTheorem6. ■
Observe that Algorithm SMART(p) either serves all customers in C1|2 in the first time period, when Algorithm IMMEDIATE is selected, or serves all customers in C1|2 in the second time period, when Algorithm DELAY is selected. This is an algorithmic choice. The DMPRP, as defined in Section 2, does allow customers in C1|2 to be split over the first and second time period.
The algorithms defined in Section 3 naturally extend to a planning horizon with more than two periods: apply the same decision rule at the beginning of each time period, i.e., at the beginning of time periods 1,2,...,T −1 for a planning horizon with T periods, since no decision has to be made at the beginning of the last period (all remaining orders have to be delivered).
In this section, we provide a lower bound on the competitive ratio of any online algorithm for DMPRP with a planning horizon T > 2, we establish the competitive ratio of AlgorithmIMMEDIATEandAlgorithmDELAYforthecase T > 2, and we show that Algorithm SMART(p) is no longer optimal for the case T > 2, as a variant in which the parameter p is changed from time period to time period already outperforms SMART(p) for the case T = 3. We restrict the analysis to instances with customers on the non-negative real line.
Let L1 denote the length of the tour that visits only customers in C1, let LT denote the length of the tour that visits only customers in CT, and let Lt−1|t denote the length of the tour that visits only customers Ct−1|t for t = 2,3,...,T. Finally, let Lt−1|t,t|t+1 denote the length of the optimal merge of the tours Lt−1|t and Lt|t+1, for 2 ≤ t ≤ T − 1. Let L1,1|2 denotetheoptimalmergeofthetoursL1 andL1|2 andLT−1|T,T the optimal merge of the tours LT−1|T and LT.
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