A natural extension of this research is to investigate an asymptotic lower bound on the competitive ratio of any online algorithm for T tending to infinity and to analyze the performance of SMART and its time-dependent variant for longer planning horizons.
We have assumed that orders have to be fulfilled within the next two time periods. In the near future, we plan to investigate the impact of that restriction, i.e., whether significantly differentresultsareobtainedwhenmorethattwotimeperiods are available to fulfill orders.
Wehaveignoredsomekeyaspectsofthemotivatingapplication, most glaringly everything related to the size of orders and the limited capacity of the vehicles that deliver orders. As a result, the routing problem to be solved in each time period is a traveling salesman problem. Capacitated variants of the DMPRP deserve to be studied.
Finally, establishing the competitive ratio of an on-line algorithm provides only partial information on its performance. We also plan to study, theoretically as well as empirically, optimal and suboptimal policies under a probabilistic characterization of the demand.
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