If L1|2 < L2|3, then
Case id. SMART(p) applies id under the following condition:
L1,1|2 ≤ pL1 that implies L1|2 < pL1.
If z∗(I) = z(id,I), then rSMART(I) = 1. Thus, we consider the case for which the off-line optimum is z∗(I) = z(di,I). By Theorem 13 we assume L1 + L3 < min(L1|2,L2|3) and the ratio is bounded as follows rSMART(I)
= + L1|2 + L2|3 ≤ +L1|2 + L2|3
L1 max(L1|2,L2|3) + L3 L1 max(L1|2,L2|3)
≤ min(L1|2,L2|3) + max(L1|2,L2|3)
L1 + max(L1|2,L2|3)
≤ 2+min(L1|2,L2|3) < 2+pL1 = 2+p . L1 min(L1|2,L2|3) L1 pL1 1 p
The latter inequality comes from min(L1|2,L2|3) ≤ L1|2 < pL1.
Combining these results, we obtain
The minimum upper bound on the competitive ratio is attained for p = 2 for which SMART(p) guarantees a worstcase ratio less or equal to .
Toshowthattheboundistight,considerthefollowingtwo instances:
1. LetC1 containasinglecustomeratdistance1,C1|2 asingle customer at distance p +ε, and let C2|3 = C3 =∅. Then, SMART(p) visits C1 in the first time period and C1|2 in the second time period. The ratio is , which can be
arbitrarily close to 1+pp. Thus, rSMART(p) ≥ 1+pp.
2. Let C1 contain a single customer at distance 1, C1|2 a single customer at distance p+ε, and C2|3 and C3 a single customer at distance p2. Then, SMART(p) visits C1 in the first time period, C1|2 and C2|3 in the second time period,2 and C3 in the last time period. The ratio is p1++ε2+pp2 , which
canbearbitrarilycloseto p+p . Thus,rSMART(p) p+p .
Therefore, for any p > 1, we have rSMART =
. Its minimum value isfor p 2. ■
p+p p=
4.3. A Time-Dependent Variant of Algorithm SMART
For instances with a planning horizon of three time periods, we have established a lower bound on the competitive ratio of any algorithm of 1.44 and a competitive ratio for SMART. It may still be the case that SMART(2) is an optimal algorithm. Unfortunately, the following theorem shows that a version of SMART with time-dependent parameters achieves a better competitive ratio than SMART(2). Consider SMART(p1,p2), which applies SMART(p1) in the first time period and SMART(p2) in the second time period.
Theorem 15. The competitive ratio of Algorithm SMART(p1,p2) for instances with customers on the nonnegative real line is , with a best ratio of 1.473 for p 2
Proof. With arguments similar to those in the proof of Theorem 14, we find that
rSMART(p1,p2) ≤ β(p1,p2)
We make the following observations:
• 1+p2p2 is decreasing with p2 for any p1; • 1+1 2pp11pp22 is increasing with p2 for any p1. p +
To minimize β, p2 should be taken such that 1+p2p2 =
p , that is p . Thus, we consider
β(p1) = β(p1,p2(p1))
formance is rSMART 1.473, for p1 2.79 and The minimum is attained at2.79. The guaranteed perp2 2.11.
The tightness of this bound can be proved with an argument similar to the one used in Theorem 14. ■ Inthissection,wehaveestablishedthatalgorithmsIMMEDIATE and DELAY have a competitive ratio of 2 independently of the length of the planning horizon, but that the competitive ratio of SMART(p) increases when we increase
the length of the planning horizon to T = 3 and that it is no longer optimal.
The lower bound obtained for the non-negative real line clearly holds for Euclidean instances as well. The extension oftheanalysisofIMMEDIATEandDELAYtotheEuclidean plane is straightforward and gives the same competitive ratio.
We have studied a dynamic multiperiod routing problem and have analyzed three simple algorithms for its solution, i.e.,IMMEDIATE,DELAY,andSMART(p).Wehaveshown that SMART(p), with an appropriate parameter p, outperforms IMMEDIATE and DELAY on instances with short planning horizons.
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