One of major "stimulus" to the savings is the availability that it is possible to save up. It is necessary with care to concern to requests of reduction of the offer of money in country for decrease of inflation. Today are known a demand pull and inflation of costs. It is possible to assume, that the inflation of demand was especially felt in our country in the beginning of reforms, since 1991. By the basic reason it was the disharmony of quantity of money forming demand, volume made, and in conditions of integration in world economy, and of the supposing goods. Such bias amplifies by growth of inflation, and also by bias of needs. But today such bias in our country already is not present. The needs are shaped at a new level, and the satisfaction them goes by the common order. Thus the growth of demand can be quite compensated by growth of the offer and does not cause a rise in price. Redundant money mass can be directed to the savings for the decision of more essential problems, than current needs: Maintenance of old age, education of children, treatment of the population, decision of housing problems. But these needs today farly from being are satisfied. As if to inflation of costs, at preservation of the control above natural monopolies the state should provide the control of inflation of costs. But it is not achieved in the current year.
Thus, we come to conclusions - for maintenance of growth of the investment credits in economy it is necessary:
To stimulate growth of the long-term savings of the citizens, to promote transformation of short-term means of banks in long-term credit resources,
To ensure the growth, appropriate to this problems, of a money supply. In the decision of these problems we emphasise a role of a savings Bank. For today the savings Bank can accept any volume But it is of the savings, and without it the accumulation in bank sector of the money capital necessary for financing of economic growth is not possible. The Saving bank has necessary for this purpose a branch network, operative interregional and interbranch redistribution of resources, trust of the population appropriate complex of bank products н of services. The simple distribution of common mass of the savings from one bank to set will not ensure other exercise of concentration of the money capital and exercise of financing of scale updating of the basic production assets of country. Therefore development of a banking system should go on a way of increase of a level of corporate management in banks, development of new segments of the market of bank services, attraction of the savings of the population, all kinds of business.
Thus, amounting elements of system Saving bank should become:
* The special status Saving bank Russian Federation ensuring service of state interests, i.e. ability it to act on advantage of company;
* Encouragement of transformation Saving bank Russian Federation in a major base element of the Russian banking system capable actively to influence process of its development, prevent, in particular, construction of adventurous "pyramids" to the detriment of to productive forms of use transmitted Saving bank of the capital;
* Maintenance of interests Saving bank , legal forms of the special law of Russian Federation protecting items of all frame and interests of the investors. Saving bank to be obliged by the leader and to set tone of a competitiveness. At it should proceed from:
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