Whether the necessity of sharing of savings Bank on some smaller banks placed on territory of all countries and which are not competing one another follows from this? On our view - is not present. Country from it only be lost. First, to decrease the scale of business of separate savings cash departments, that will result in rise in price of the bank credits on all country. In second, the national bank capable to credit largest national and transitional of the enterprise, such, as "Gazprom", Russian Academy of Science " East economic community of Russia " will disappear. Not. Is excluded, that the given niche will try to fill in foreign banks, which will remove without delay our national capital. In third, it will not weaken an item of a savings Bank in the markets, traditional for it, behind exception of the largest clientele, but will require essential costs on re-structuring. In - fourth, the basic purpose of prospective re-structuring, as well as any re-structuring large monopolistic companies in our country, is the decrease of the prices on products, offered the given company, at the expense of augmentation of a competitiveness. In the relation of a banking system, in which already acts about 1,5 thousand subjects, hardly there will be a growth of a competitiveness, and the prices become lower not, as they in a savings Bank already lowest on the basic bank services. In - fifth, by means of a uniform network of a savings Bank the government of Russia can conduct purpose-oriented programmes on development of a banking system and financial markets without creation of separate frames and at the expense of the profit of the bank (for example program of hypothecate crediting). Other question, that it not always uses it.
Therefore Savings bank should be saved as uniform financial frame which is taking place under the state control in a part of a direction of attracted resources on development of national economy and restriction of the top rod of cost of attracted resources and the bottom border of percent on the granted credits. It will allow the state to supervise directions of development of a banking system, saving its stability to possible crises. At a regional level the activity of branches Saving bank should be supervised by governments of the subjects of Federation, that the resources of regions to the full were used for development of regional economy. The question on restriction monopolism Saving bank should be decided by formation of new large banks, probably, and by merges. It is better to have one or several largest banks, than one thousand small.
Let's return to a problem of use of the savings for the investment, i.e. development of credit function of a banking system. As it was already marked. The savings bank, being by the largest creditor, determines the bottom rod of cost of the commercial credit, terms of consideration of the credit applications, request to maintenance of the loans and other rules of crediting. Under influence of these rules and competitive items other banks develop credit policy with the advantages - short time of consideration of the credit applications, smaller requests to maintenance, record-keeping of the incomes of a shadow part of business, bill discounting etc. But Saving bank , having broadest clients' base, predetermine also average standard of service of corporate clientele. Having included in a standard package of services crediting of the enterprises on enough acceptable conditions, the largest bank of country practically compels to follow to this of all competitors in bank sector. Thus, the item Saving bank in a question of transformation of the savings in the investment is referring.
However this problem depends not only on banks. In it the quite objective external preconditions appropriate to economic laws have an effect. A vivid example to that is 1997. Though it was not appreciable on external behaviour of bank, but in 1997. Saving bank has undertaken attempt to expand crediting economy. But, despite of decrease of the interest rate under the credits, the clients have appeared unprepared to reception of the credits for the investments. As is known important factor which is determining the size of the investments, is served also by rate of return, which the firms assume to receive from the investments. During recession of production of the enterprise the reductions of volume of sales and rate of return expect, lose some traditional sources of the incomes. In this situation the service of extra means becomes for them too problematic, and the expectations do not allow to hope for augmentation of volume of sales. And on the contrary, when the enterprises expect growth of volume of sales, demand for production, they are ready for expansion and modernisation of production, exercise of the investments and escalating of the financial lever. In this case requirement for the investments grows also decrease of an interest rate is not main stimulus.
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