Thus, the development of a banking system renders significant influence on a condition of a national economy as a whole and its regions.
From the listed reasons follows, that the greatest contribution to growth of a national wealth by means of decrease of the credit rates, the transformations of the savings in the investment can introduce large banks and financial-industrial group. First of all speech can go about first ten banks. Among them Saving bank of Russia. Being by the largest bank of Russia, it shapes price conditions in bank sector, renders decisive influence on fulfilment of functions of a banking system of country.
Having wide by a network of subsidiaries, uniform technologies of corporate management of branches, Saving bank is by enough stable and controlled frame. Practically all crises of a banking system it goes through independently, without the help of the basic shareholder, remaining the most profitable bank frame. The special situation has developed in 1999-2000 . In 1999. Saving bank has changed the contents of management of active operations and reoriented the branches to crediting of real sector of economy. The greatest growth of a credit portfolio of bank was came on 2000, when it has grown almost in 4 times, and on some branches and it is more. On 2000 there comes maximum growth GDP and commercial production. It is possible, certainly to argue on relationships of cause and effect - whether the industrial growth causes demand for the credits and has resulted in growth of a credit portfolio of bank or more widely " transformation of accumulation, including assembled in Saving bank , in the credits given national economy alongside with other macroeconomic the factors, promoted significant economic rise in 2000. These phenomena are interconnected. Moreover, the growth of the rests of means of the population and legal persons on the accounts in Saving bank and in a banking system as a whole has exceeded inflation and growth of a money supply, was increased money part of GDP, that testifies to action of multiplicate function of bank sector.
Thus it is necessary to note, that the main competitive advantage of Saving-bank is determined by its sizes and wide by subsidiary network. The state warranties today serve only subjective factor. And the circulation in Saving bank of the pensioners and other investors with a small prosperity wears without delay traditional character. But the sizes of bank, scales of its business allow to make cheaper cost of its services for the subjects of economy and, such image, to promote growth of a national wealth. The scales of business Saving bank do it as though founder of price parameters on all complex of bank services. It determines the bottom price range on attracted resources and under the issued credits. As a result of it and tariff policy Saving bank is outside of a price competition. The high profitability of bank creates opportunities for a manoeuvre as in decrease of the percentage rates offered credits, and their increase on attracted resources. However, if the actions of bank in questions of a price competition do not supervise, it could suppress almost all banking system. A condition, traditional for all banks, - crediting only of clients - at application it Saving bank with use of a price plug of attraction - accommodation of resources and opportunity to allot credits of the large sizes - in a short time would wash up clients base and sources of the incomes at banks of the competitors. Such monopolist, as a savings Bank also consists in it the basic defect of existence.
However it only on the first view is the potentially possible script of competition Saving bank for clients base. The large scales of business have not only advantage, but also defects. Despite of the organised control system of subsidiaries by a network, in any large organisation are inherent inactivity in acceptance of the decisions, rather more poor quality of service of the concrete client. By virtue of the scales bank more steadfast attention gives to the large clients. And the savings Bank distinguishes by service of large Russian clientele, and also rendering of services of average quality to the clients demanding only reliable cash service and crediting on acceptable parameters. But money of the pensioners and citizens with the low incomes is kept in a savings Bank. This layer is declined to accumulation of means and is numerous. the clients with the low incomes the bank compels to reduce costs on their service through subsidiaries a network at the expense of use of cheaper rooms, introduction of the simplified bank services. It results that more solvent citizens, including the people and with average returns, do not consider a savings Bank as unconditional leader of the market of the deposits of the population and ready to address in any bank offering qualitative services. To a question of reliability basically concern empirically. If the bank has gone through all previous crises and adequately behaved with the clients in 1998, it advantage - by the large trust as compared follows from the formalised warranties. Thus, there are significant segments in the markets of bank services, in which Saving bank not only does not occupy dominant, exclusive position, but also can not it take by virtue of specificity of the frame and sizes. Hence, Saving bank of Russia makes a significant competitiveness only for banks trying enter in segments, traditional for it, and to attract of the largest clients of bank.
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