Methods and techniques of sales promotion. Introduction

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GAOU VPO «Dagestan State Institute of National Economy"

Department of "Economics and Management"



«Methods and techniques of sales promotion»

Student Murtuzalieva M.M.

2 course, 1group

Faculty "Economy and Management"

Supervises: Sadykova S.Z.

Makhachkala 2015.



Private (personal) sale

Advertising using the media

Sales promotion





In modern conditions, the process of promoting a product or services in a market where there are many similar products or services to domestic competitors, as well as imports, for many companies the costly, time-consuming and complicated. And marketing service use in their activities to promote the production of the enterprises on the market today are various methods of marketing Investigation of the basic methods and techniques of product promotion focused on identifying promising means of promoting goods from the producer to the final consumer and the organization of their retail sales on the basis of a comprehensive analysis and evaluation of used or planned to use channels and methods of distribution and marketing, including those used by competitors.

Marketing communications - is a constant control the promotion of its activities to the consumer and customers to:

1.  To inform prospective customers about your product, services, terms of sales;

2.  Persuade prospective customers to give preference to these products and brands, shop at certain stores, and so on;

3.  Motivate prospective customers to ensure that they act without delay to purchase in the future.

Marketing communications are divided into personal and impersonal communication. For personal communications are personal sales and PR (Public releyshenz). By impersonal communications include advertising and sales promotion activities.

Investigation of the basic methods and techniques of product promotion is aimed at identifying promising means of promoting goods from the producer to the final consumer and the organization of their retail sales on the basis of a comprehensive analysis and evaluation of used or planned to use channels and methods of distribution and marketing, including those used by competition

Promotion of goods - is the planning and monitoring of the physical movement of materials and finished products from their place of production to places of consumption in order to meet the needs of consumers and profit.

The main methods of moving goods and technologies are:

1) personal sale;

2) advertising using the media;

3) sales promotion;

4) trade;

5) sponsorship;

Private (personal) sale

Personal selling is a personal communication in which to receive messages immediately communicates through feedback from the source: words, gestures, facial expressions, etc. Because personal selling - a conversation, involving two or more partners, the message is customized for the audience. This creates a direction for more precise targeting of the buyer than in advertising, but limits the number of contacts really achievable. Another drawback - the cost per contact is much higher than with advertising. For all that, personal selling because of the high adaptability and "personal" nature is much better able to persuade customers rather than advertising.

Personal selling is most effective when selling an expensive product to justify the costs of contact; when the goods are quite complex, so that detailed explanations are required or demonstration in action; when benefits deliver carefully selected according to specific customer wishes. Personal selling is best suited in the case of the need to complete the process of selecting the goods - the seller and the need to place an order or make promises to the customer to buy.

A large number of daily active sellers offer goods or services, but they have to fix bad results. This can partly be explained by individual differences in technology, experience, training level. But a lot also depends on how well done shopping guide staff.

Advertising using the media

By advertising in the media are usually classified advertisements in the press (newspapers and journals), radio, television and outdoor advertising billboards standard.

Creative approaches may be different. For example, when advertising consumer goods tend to use the emotional motives for industrial goods - rational.

But in any case, advertising is effective only when meets the following requirements:

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