My husband is also a teacher. His name is David. We both work with pleasure though our work is very difficult and takes up all our time. We are always ready to help each other, someone does the cooking, someone the shopping, someone the cleaning, or we all do these things together if we can.
We are hardworking : we never waste a minute. We arc busy. We all read much. This is our hobby. We have books not only in English, but also in German, French and Spanish. My son, Steve, is a student of linguistics. He studies at the University in London. My daughter's name is Karly. She is 14. Karly is a schoolgirl. She is fond of horses.
17. Make up your own dialogue according to the model:
Nina: What's your name?
Kate: My name is Kate Orlova.
N. How old are you?
К I was bom in 1980.
N. And where were you bom?
К I was bom in Brest.
N. Where do you live now?
К I live in Minsk, in Sovetskaya Street.
N. What are you?
K. I'm a student of the Polytechnical Academy.
N. Is your family large?
K. No, it isn't. We are four.
N. Have you got any brother?
K. No, I haven't. I have got a younger sister.
N. And what are your parents?
K. Oh, my father is a worker. He works at a plant. My mother is a librarian.
N. Have you a large flat?
K. No, it's a three-room flat with a kitchen, but it has all modem conveniences.
18. Speak about your friend. Keep to the following plan :
1. Your friend's name, age, place of birth, nationality.
2. His / her occupation, hobby.
3. His / her parents.
4. His / her plans for future.
19. Paraphrase the following sentences using :
a) be interested in
Model: Betty is fond of tennis. Betty is interested in tennis. 1. I'm fond of music. 2. Roger is fond of fishing. З.Аге you fond of gardening. 4. Mike isn't fond of chess. 5. Is your daughter fond of reading? 6. Your brother is fond of boating. 7. My father is fond of politics. 8. Betty isn't fond of
detectives. 9. Jane is fond of art. 10. Kate is fond of figure skating.
b) be good at
Model: Mike can skate well. Mike is good at skating.
1. Dick likes medicine very much. 2. Paul plays football well. 3. Robert plays chess very well. 4. Mary can swim very well. 5. Do you cook well? 6. Does this girl know Spanish well? 7. Mike can draw well. 8. Does Betty play tennis well? 9. Jack knows two foreign languages well. 10. My sister dances very well.
20. Read the text. Use the dictionary.
Thomas Alva Edison
Thomas Alva Edison was one of the greatest inventors and industrial leaders in history. His most famous contributions include practical electric lightning, the photograph, and improvements to the telegraph, telephone, and motion pictures. He also created one of the first modem research laboratories.
Thomas Edison was bom on February 11, 1847, in Milan, Ohio. He was the seventh and youngest child in the family. His father, Samuel, worked as a shingle maker and land investor. When Al - as the family called the young Edison - was seven years old, the Edisons moved to the Port Huron, Mich. The boy received limited formal education. His mother. Nancy, a former teacher, guided his learning. Edison was inquisitive. He loved to pull pranks and practical jokes. He was also eager to read, particularly science books. He built
models of a working sawmill and a railroad engine, both of which were powered by steam.
Even as a child, he was venturesome in business. He grew vegetables on his father's farm and sold them in town. At the age of 12, Edison began to sell newspapers, candy and sandwiches on passenger trains. In 1863 he worked as a
telegraph operator. Edison learned much about the mechanical, electrical and chemical elements of telegraphy. He read scientific journals and books and experimented with telegraph equipment.
In 1847, Edison designed a superior transmitter, which made a speaker's voice louder and cleaner on the telephone. In 1878 he began important research on electric lightning.
He was married twice and had three children. Edison attracted friends through his story-telling, sense of humour, and fame. One of his friends was Henry Ford.
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