applause - аплодисменты
The people applauded the singer.
12.audience [3:di5ns] - публика, зрители The audience burst into a stormy applause. - касса
When we came to the box-office, all tickets were sold out. You can still buy tickets at the box-office.
14.cloak-room - гардероб
We saw our friends leaving coats and hats in the cloak-room. Go to the cloakroom and take off your jacket.
15 .interval - антракт, перерыв
There was an interval often minutes between the two parts of the concert. 16.orchestra ['^>:kistr5] - оркестр
We have an excellent school orchestra. Do you want to play in the orchestra? 40 perform - исполнять, играть
syn. to play
performance - исполнение, игра; спектакль
syn. show
That was one of the best performances I have seen this season. 18 stage - сцена
Our seats were near the stage. An English comedy was staged in our school by the tenth-formers.
19-stalls [sto:lz] - партер
The stalls is the part of the theatre nearest to the stage.
2Q.foyer [ 'fbiei] - фойе
syn. lobby
We have ten minutes left before starting time. Let's wait in the foyer.
syn. poster
His play is in the bill again. What have you read in the new theatre bill?
22.cast [ka:st] - состав исполнителей The production had an excellent cast.
23.first-night - премьера
It is always very difficult to get tickets for the first-night.
24.row - ряд
Not further back than the ninth or tenth row, please.
25.screen - экран
1 don't like to sit too near the screen.
26.extra ticket - лишний билет Have you got an extra ticket?
27.matinee ['mastinei] - дневной спектакль Let's buy tickets for the matinee show.
28.auditorium [^>:di't3:ri5m] - зрительный зал
syn .hall
The newly built theatre has an auditorium seating 1500. - ложа
They had a box in the second tier.
3Q.drcss-circle - бельэтаж
Three seats in the dress-circle for Sunday, please.
31 .gallery - галерея; галерка
People from all comers of the world come to the Tretyakov Gallery.
32-tigr [ti3] - ярус
33-curtain - занавес
curtaincall - вызов на сцену аплодисментами
It seemed there would be no end of curtain calls that night.
34.rehearsal [ri'Aa:sal] - репетиция
The first rehearsal was appointed for Wednesday.
35-to be a success - иметь успех
The new production at the drama theatre is a great success.
9. Make up word-combinations with the following words:
to be cinema-goer to go film a great on feature to the movies matinee in the foyer to release ticket to wait new films extra cast excellent performance
10.Connect the following into sentences:
1 .The Bolshoi Theatre presents internationally known and admired.
2.The ballet company has become at the Concert Hall.
3.A symphony orchestra performs operas and ballets.
4.The Tretyakov Gallery contains in our country.
5.Music as an art is very rich a collection of traditional art.
6.Russian composers and musicians all over the world. are well-known
11 .Insert the suitable word from the active vocabulary:
I .There is a on at the Mir Cinema today. 2.1 like...very much.
3.1 usually go to the...on Sunday. 4.1 prefer good...but I also like to see..-and... 5.The Central Gorky film studio...films for children. the most popular kind of art.
7.Let's go to the cinema tonight. I'll book tickets. The...will begin at 8 o'clock.
8.We left our coats in the...and got a programme.
9.We found our seats in the...and looked around.
10.The... began tuning their instruments.
II .From the very first minute I was deeply impressed by everything I saw on the...
12.When the curtains fell at the end of the performance there came a storm of...
13.The performance...a success.
12.Make up sentences using the following pattens:
1 .What is on at the Central Cinema today?
2.There is a new feature (documentary, popular, science, musical) film on at our club today.
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