Imagine:if one day you suddenly became rich,what would you do with the money? You could buy a new house or car, go to a trip, start you own business, make your life brilliant. And may be you would enjoy your new lifestyle,new friends,new impressions.But just think: of couse,there can’t be much money,but money doesn’t bring happiness.If your earn enough and don’t need anything,because you have all necessary things,do you need superfluous money?
I think it would be better to spenditon charity.The list of charity organizations is rather long, it includs many worldwide charity organizations.For example:Amnesty International, which helps conscience prisoners, people, who suffer for their beliefs, colour language or religion. Another example is Royal society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals, which helps homeless and diseased animals. And in general there are only few charity causees. The main problems for charity organizations are to help homeless, poor or diseased people and animals and to give money to scientists, who study cancer, HIV and AIDS or other diseases.You can decide, what problem is the most impotant for you. As foe me, I think a charity that helps diseased people, especially children, is the most deserving. Another nouble charity cause is to help old and homeless people with food and housing. May be it doesn’t seem to be as necessary as the help to diseased people, but in our country this problem is acute there are too many old people, who are left alone by our government and society, and they need our help.The third charity cause I would like to mention is a research of different diseases, because it can really help any people to survive. In our country the most popular way of charity is giving clothes and food. Common people collect old clothes and give them to childrens homes and shelters. May be such help isn’t very significant, but it’s better to help with something then not to help at all.One decides for himself what charity cause is more important, but we shouldn’t criticize people, who choose a different charity cause. Every charity cause is noble.But if you are not interested in any it is better not to do anything, because one should do it with a light heart. But just think: if you had some money and preferred helping someone who needed help badly to buying a new car wouldn’t it be better?
Novosibirsk- city.
Novosibirsk is a capital of Siberia.There’s often cold. And it’s situated near river Ob.These knowledges all my friends and relatives have. But since I came to Novosibirsk for studing in NSU, I’ve known a lot of facts about this city. First of all, it’s really big megapolis. It frightened me at first time, because streets were full of cars, which ride so fast, because there were a lot of people in the streets and so on.
Academtown is a part of Novosibirsk, where I live now, while studying in NSU. And I like it very much. There are a lot of frees and flowerbeds. I like just walk alone the streets, and see children playing at playgrounds, eldery people, sitting on bonches and feeding pigeons.
Of couse, my native town I like best of all, but Novosibirsk became like second mothertown. I’ve been in different parts of Novosibirsk-city, and I know a lot of sights places of interest, for example, little chapel on the Red Square, the Circus, theatres, parks, cinemas. And a lot of funny and interesting moments of my life are associated with different places in Novosibirsk. It’s part of my life, so I love this city very much.
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