Topic: The definition of laser wavelength with using the diffraction grating.
Description of device and principle of its work:
Several parallel slits of equal width a, equally spaced a distance d apart, is called a diffraction grating (fig.1).
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For light rays emerging from each slit at an angle q, there is a path difference of
d sinqbetween each ray and the one directly above it.
The condition for the formation of a bright fringe is:
, (1)
where m=0, ±1, ±2,…is the order of spectrum (maximum)
Experimental setup (fig.2) consist of:
· He-Ne laser (1)
· Diffraction grating (2)
· Screen for the observation of diffraction pattern (3)
Work algorithm:
1. Measure the distance l between the diffraction grating and the screen (fig.2).
2. Measure the distance k between 0-maximum and 2-maximum (fig.2).
3. Find the angle q with using formula:
4. Find the laser wavelength with using the formula (1). Period of diffraction grating d = 10-5m.
5. Write the conclusion.
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