Laboratory work №1
Determining the audibility threshold (threshold of hearing)
Purpose of the work: To determine the audibility threshold (threshold of hearing) for different audio frequencies.
Getting the audiogram by using generator of low-frequency signals (РГЗ-124).
Basical formulas:
The value of audibility threshold we can evaluate as the intensity
of generator’s output signal:,
where Ld is intensity level, U is voltmeter signal value, U0=1 V is initial (relative) voltage.
f, Hz |
lgf |
Ld, dB |
U, V |
L, dB |
200 |
2.30 |
400 |
2.60 |
800 |
2.90 |
1200 |
3.08 |
1600 |
3.20 |
2000 |
3.30 |
4000 |
3.60 |
6000 |
3.78 |
8000 |
3.90 |
10000 |
4.00 |
12000 |
4.10 |
14000 |
4.15 |
![]() |
1.1. Audiogram getting using audiometer (УДК) (Fig.3).
Table 2.
f, kHz |
Lleft, dB |
Lright, dB |
0,025 |
0,5 |
1 |
2 |
4 |
6 |
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