2) First of all I'd like to say that all of us have our own ideas and dreams about a perfect place to live in, because it can't mean the same to everybody. This topic can be understood in different ways. Firstly, we can talk about home, and secondly, about country. Home is your little world where you live according to your own rules and interests. In my opinion home always awakens the best feelings and high emotions in people's souls. But what an ideal home is everybody decides for himself. But the country in which I would like to live, choose a much more difficult, because I wasn’t all over the world and can’t account for all the details. I really want to visit Italy. I realized it when I studied world geography in elementary school. I think that every pupil who loves or hates the geography at school knows about Italy, because only this country is similar to boot. Several years later, I understood that I’m interested in history and culture of this country. It has its own style, which is close to me. Perhaps when I visit Italy I will change my idea, but I would not mind to live there.
Italy is a country in southern Europe, in the heart of the Mediterranean. It has competitive and fairly creative middle class. It specifies the fashion world in the design, manufacture and production of clothing and household equipment. Enormous cultural legacy makes Italy one of the most attractive to tourists in Europe and the world, with the possibility of infinite development of the tourism sectors of the economy.
Italy is mountainous country mostly. Can you imagine this beauty?
Climate in Italy varied because of the length of the country from north to south. I think this is the best climate that can be invented. It seems to be winter and there, but not frosty. Also, Italy has the same dates of many Russian holidays such as New Year, March 8, Mayday.
Traditional Italian food is common and popular worldwide, thanks to dishes like pizza and spaghetti.
In conclusion I want to say that Italy is one of the most beautiful countries in the world with a rich history and culture. So I wish everyone to visit Italy and feel you native Italian.
3) I have never met a person who does not like pizza. This is a very simple and hearty dish that loves both children and adults. Pizza is a savory bakery that consists of the dough and filling, which can be varied. And best of all is that it can be easily made at home and transform your house into a pizzeria, calling guests.
First you need to cook the dough, but if you're too lazy to it, you can buy special cakes for the pizza in the supermarket.
I really love Hawaiian pizza.
You need ketchup or tomato paste, canned pineapples, ham and cheese for filling. Recipe for cooking 1) Ham cut into strips or cubes. 2) Cheese grate. 3) Dough to grease the tomato paste. 4) Put the pineapple and ham. 5) Sprinkle with cheese. Place in a preheated 180 degree oven and bake for 20-25 minutes.
3) My favorite dish My favorite dish is sushi. They’re not very hard to cook, but you should know how to do it to succeed. First of all you should make a list of necessary things like rice, cucumbers, some fish (I prefer eels or salmon), cheese (Fetaki or Philadelphia), water, greens, soy sauce, nori, wasabi and ginger. It is better to buy a special rice, there are many sushi-sets for cooking containing certain products. First of all you should cook a rice (it should be cooked in a special way to be not very solid and not very soft), prepare nori (they have to be a bit wet to hold on when you put rice and another products on it) and cut fish, greens and cheese into small pieces. Then when rice will be ready to put it down on nori, you should put it on nori evenly, than you have to put on rice another products and make a “pipe” from this nori. Than your “sushi pipe” have to be cooled in a refrigerator for about half an hour. Than you can take it and cut into some pieces (usually there are about six pieces) and enjoy this wonderful meal.
4) There’s no doubt in my mind that nowadays our world is full of different wonders. In my opinion the most wonderful thing in modern world is that people still can understand importance of history and past things. They still can see the beauty of the world, despite the fact that it became more cruel and wild. This is wonder just because it says that they are still alive people. For instance, people still adore cultural monuments, works of art, trying to repair them, keep in a good state. So people appreciate the labor of their ancestors. Another wonder in my opinion are airplanes. With their invention, people got a wonderful possibility to travel around the world faster, to see more. Isn’t it magic when you went sleep in the sky above one country and wake up in the sky above another? Moreover, airplanes helped people to realize the oldest ambition of humanity – to fly in the sky. One of the most obvious wonders is Internet. It is really magical thing that helps us to be in touch with those people who live in other countries, to see them and hear them whenever you want. Internet can answer any question from physics to gardening, you can find there everything you like. If you got bored it can cheer you up, if you are tired it can help you to relax, isn’t it a “universal” miracle which was born in our modern world? Another thing that I could call a wonder is cinema. I suppose that it is real miracle because of the special atmosphere, smell of popcorn and silent concentration of people in the hall. When you are in cinema you can forget all your worries for two hours, to live together with a hero on the big bright screen, to overcome smth with him or her, to pass through like they do. I believe that it is a real wonder. There are many wonderful things in our world that makes you feel a kind of magic. I’m sure that they will only multiply with development of people’s imagination.
5. What is Happiness to me. Happiness is a very individual condition. Someone always miss something for the happiness. Someone is happy with little. I think I'm one of the lucky ones that are happy right now. I have everything I need: a loving family, loyal friends, the opportunity to study and learn something new. But most importantly, I have goals and means for achieving them. I think that the most important thing for happiness is to have a future. People are constantly dreaming up new reasons to be sad. They believe that without for example a new camera they are unhappy. I think it's stupid. People often clutter their life with a load of useless things or useless people. Happiness is in simplicity. World is incredibly huge and beautiful. It has everything you need. Freedom to choose his own destiny makes a person happy. When he can have a future he wants. Sometimes you just should to find courage to be yourself. Public opinion and fashion only spoil the man's life. But when you live without those things, you are free inside. And when you are free you are happy, because man couldn’t be happy in chains.
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