. (20)
Proof of proposition 2 can be found in [2].
Algebraic condition (20) of belonging to image always holds if matrix B is of full rank, because its columns make basis.
So, it is possible to assign any desired structure of eigenvectors if rank of matrix B is equal to dimension of state vector of the plant. In this case problem of achieving of parametric invariance can be solved with feedback matrix K of the form
, (21)
where ,
For such a case it is possible to assign desired
structure of eigenvectors by substituting . Matrix
is solution of system of matrix equations
, (22)
, (23)
where equation (22) is Sylvester matrix equation [3,4].
As practice of control systems design
shows, setting requirements of quality of transients and steady-state
performance by assigning of desired structure of eigenvalues is of no
difficulty. But it is more difficult to set requirements for desired structure
of eigenvectors. If rank of matrix D is less than rank of matrix B than
there appear freedom of assigning of eigenvectors structure with fixed
eigenvectors ,
non-fixed eigenvectors
, and
hence, freedom in realization of matrix K and problem of evaluation of
control cost and its distribution on sphere of initial conditions emerge. Let
us use the following functional to evaluate control cost for assigning of every
structure of desired eigenvectors and uniformity of its distribution
, (24)
where is grammian [5] of
control cost, computed by virtue of Lyapunov-like equation
; (25)
– maximal singular value [6] of grammian
is condition number of grammian
determines maximal control cost, and
uniformity of distribution of these costs in sphere of initial conditions.
Let us illustrate choice of desired structure of eigenvectors with the following example.
“Choice of desired eigenvectors, assigned by minimal control for 2nd order plant with full-rank control matrix”
Consider 2nd order plant, described by the
following matrices ,
, than matrix
takes the form
Let us assign desired structure of
eigenvalues of matrix of closed-loop system as
. First vector of eigenvectors structure is
, and the second one is given in
parameterized form
, where
is angle of rotation of
around point of origin.
Matrix takes
diagonal form
and matrix of similarity of matrices
, which
contains eigenvectors, is
Let us solve Sylvester matrix equation relatively to
matrix and compute feedback matrix
with equation (23)
and find values of angle for
which functional (24) takes minimal and maximum values.
Figure 1 shows dependence of maximal
singular value and condition number on value of angle .
Dependencies on the figure show, that functional (24) takes minimal value at
. Thus we conclude that matrix
should be chosen as
to ensure the least control cost.
Figure 1. Dependence of maximal singular value and condition number
on value of angle
In the given work a functional which helps finding of minimal control cost while assigning parametric invariance is proposed. Results are illustrated by an example.
The author is grateful to Department of Control Systems and Informatics of SPb SUITMO for favourable research atmosphere and A. V. Ushakov for helpful discussing and approval of results presented in the paper.
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