The protection and information transmitting of the main menu and submenus of the onboard system, the navigating, the diagnostic system and safety system of on the display of the control panel is provided with hardware and software of the car.
The built-in GPS transceiver and the GPS equipment of a car will make a network by means of a satellites, it will add the basic radio-communication and will provide a continuous communication with the car. In case of a unauthorized operation (for example, stealing) an access to the car by means of a satellite will allow to define its position, a direction of movement, distantly stop an engine, block doors and make active the alarm system .
A function of an automatic blocking of car systems by pressing one key is available as well as automatic one at the analysis of distance up to the driver (an identification of the owner due to electronic key-identifier which is included in the control panel without which access to the car is not possible).It provides blocking and releasing of electric locks of a car (an access to a control unit of a central lock - CUCL), switching on/off the automobile alarm system, an execution of a bat-file made and written by the owner (a complex programme of behaviour) (see item 7 of a basic functions of systems).
The basic functions of systems:
1. A remote manipulation to the functions of the menu of onboard system by means of radio transceiver - a control of systems (outside):
¾ an installation of climate (the manipulation of programms of climate-control - COND);
¾ the definition of car and driver mutual positions (by means of a satellite navigation system NAV and the equipment on the control panel (GPST) and the hardware and the software of the car (GPST));
¾ an installation of parameters (by means of onboard computer -BC);
¾ an activation of entertainment systems (radio, an audiosystem, DVD - TV, on figure CD, DVD);
¾ information data onboard (the manipulation to a memory of an onboard computer of the car);
2. A remote radiocontrol of electric drives of doors, of a luggage carrier and of a cowl of the car (an access by means radio transceivers to control units of electric drives of these units on figure CUDD, CUPD, CUPLD, CURPD, CULC, CUC). It will demand an installation of electric engines with programm - sensor control and an analysis of the information from an ultrasonic sensors about presence of external obstacles during opening and the obstacles arising during closing. An application of the sensitive sensors on the external and internal sides of the doors, of the luggage carrier and of the cowl, and also sensitive Hall sensors in electric engines of systems will provide safety of functioning.
2.1. A remote start of the engine (a radiocontrol of a function of electronic ignition in engine management systems on figure - EMS).
3. A remote control of electric drives of seats, external rear-view mirrors and internal mirrors, a roof (for a cabriolet) (an access by means of radio transceivers to the control units of the electric drives of corresponding systems on figure - CUDS, CUPS, CURLS, CUPRS, CURVM, CUCR).
4. The on/off automobile alarm system (blocking of car systems by pressing one key or automatically at the analysis of a distance up to the driver), the car control in real-time mode and a feedback (getting information from protection system in case of stealing, moving, opening doors, etc.).
5. Coding the operating signals: information from the navigation system, "electronic" key of engine start, the switching on/off the automobile alarm system.
6. Getting information about technical condition of a car from its diagnostic systems and about date of the technical control (a special function of remote loading of the software is possible) and displaying this information on the control panel monitor.
7. A programming.
A function of the programming will allow to create and record programms of operating the systems of a car from subroutines of control now exist. It will help quickly and effectively to make active options of the car pressing one or two touch keys according to a driver preference (the remote start of an engine, a choice of control modes of transmissions, the installation of a microclimate, music inside, an automatic illumination inside (depending on natural light), automatic opening - closing the doors of a car, memory of positions of a steering-wheel, a position of adjustments of a seat, a memory of adjustment of car suspension, position of the rear-view mirrors, heating of glasses (in winter), an opening the hatch (in summer), etc).A memory of the control panel will keep all the information about the owner, the car itself and its adjustments.
-Eventually it is possible to say the following:
1.System “diDrive” has a great innovation potential and has no analogues.
2.An innovation of the system “diDrive” is in its qualitatively new means and methods, together with onboard system (its addition), as a car-driver dialogue.
3.It possesses many useful functions, each is based on a using of high technologies and it defines new contents and intellectual technical interior of a car. The system diDrive is patented and will be realized in this year.
The concept of microprocessor system of remote radio
and satellite control of a part of systems of a car, incorporated in a network
with an automobile onboard microprocessor control system.
1] P.A. Ivanov , Wireless Networks And Protocols ,SPB : BHV , 2001 ( in Russian)
2] A Special Documentation of The Car Construction BMW 7 Series . Catalogue
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