Практикум по английскому языку (с дифференцированными лексико-грамматическими заданиями): Учебно-методическое пособие к комплексу “Headway Elementary”, страница 8

2.  Make a list of advantages and disadvantages of living in the country. Compare with your partner.


There is / there are


1. Make the sentences negative.

e.g. There are many places to relax in the country. - There aren't (there are no) places to relax.

1. There is a choice of public transport in the country.

2. There are many places to eat out in the country.

3. In the city there is fresh air to breath.

4. In the city there is peace in the parks and gardens, especially on holidays.

5. On Sundays there are few people in the parks.

2. Ask general questions to the sentences from part 1.

e.g. There are many places to relax in the country. - Are there many places to relax in the country


1. Ask questions to the parts ot the sentences in bold

e.g. There are parks and gardens to relax. - What are there to relax?

1. There is much of traffic in the city.

2. There are a lot of people even on Sundays.

3. Also, there are many interesting things to do: go to the cinema and to the theatre.

4. There is a necessity to have a well-paid job because living in the city is often very expensive.

5. There is a big choice of cafes, restaurants and pubs.

2. Ask and answer the similar questions with your partner (according to the text).


2. Complete the phrases without looking into the text.

1. In the city there is a choice ... .

2. If you want to eat ... .

3. For all plus ... . There is a necessity ... .

4. There are a lot of ... especially on Sundays. And it's ... there.

5. In cities there is no ... , that's why ... .

2. Work out several arguments for living in the city (in the countryside.

Module  5

Vocabulary : Shopping

Grammar : Degrees of comparison

Reading: At the supermarket


A. Read and translate these words.

          wire basket          [`waıә`bα:skıt]               weigh         [weı]

          toothpaste           [`tu:θ`peıst]]                  convenient [kәn`vi:njәnt]

          powder                [`paudә]                          exactly        [ıg`z?ktlı]

department          [dı`pα:tment]                 queue         [kju:]

B. What departments in a food store do you know?  Match the products with the department.

In the          baker`s                 they sell               meat

                    greengrocer`s                                    vegetables, fruit

                    dairy                                                  milk, cheese

                    butcher`s                                          bread

                    grocer`s                                             tea, cereals, sugar

C. Answer the questions?

1) Do you often do shopping? Do you enjoy it?

2) Where do you usually buy food – at a local shop, a big store or a market? Why?

3) Do you need help when you do shopping? Do you ask anybody for advice?

What do you think is…?

a) a self-service store   b) house agents             c) a shopping list



At the weekends when she has more free time, Elinor does her shopping at the big food store because she can buy a lot of things much cheaper than at her local shop. The supermarket is a self-service store. It is much larger than a shop in the centre and there you can buy any food and different house agents: toothpaste, soap, washing powder, cleaning powders etc. And the choice of food is wider than in little shops– there is everything from quick-frozen food to fresh vegetables, from tinned products to cooking oil. Most of food is on the shelves but some like meat and fish is in the departments where you can ask the shop assistant to cut and weigh as much as you need. Also there is a department with prepared food. If you have little time it is more convenient to take ready food than to cook it yourself.

Elinor walks from shelf to shelf and fills her wire basket. She always writes a shopping list and knows exactly what she needs. She watches prices and chooses the most attractive prices. But she never buys products of low quality, even if they are the cheapest.  When the wire basket is full she goes to the cash desk. Elinor chooses a cash desk with the shortest queue. When it is her turn she pays for the products takes her change. She pays in cash but sometimes by card. Then she puts everything into a plastic bag. She arrives home tired but happy that she has saved some money.