Практикум по английскому языку (с дифференцированными лексико-грамматическими заданиями): Учебно-методическое пособие к комплексу “Headway Elementary”, страница 14

2. When you arrive the first thing you see is … .

3. Edinburgh castle is not … .

4. Edinburgh is famous for … . 

5. In 2003, there were … .


1. Explain in English what is:

- a ghost                         - Edinburgh

- a festival                       - a castle.

2. Answer the questions.

1. How many people live in Edinburgh? 

2. When is Hogmanay?

3. What type of festivals does Edinburgh have in summer? 

4. What could you see at the festivals?

5. Who is George Mackenzie?


1. Find the difference between the numerals hundred-hundreds/ thousand-thousands / million-millions. Fill in the right word in the gaps.

1. Every old castle has h… of ghosts. 

2. One m… people visit the castle yearly. 

3. Part of Edinburgh castle is a t… years old.

4. M… of years ago the hills were volcanoes..

5. There were over five  h… different shows.

2. Write an advertisement for foreigners who are interested in old cities and castles of our country. Recommend them to visit some traditional festivals and explain what people do there.




1. Write the numerals.

e.g.45 000; 1 AprilForty-fivethousand; the first of April.

1. in 2003

2. 29 December

3. 100s

4. 100 000s

5. 1 000 000

2. Write by numbers.

e.g. six million – 6 000 000

1. the first of January

2. five hundred

3. four hundred and fifty thousand

4. one million

5. two festivals


1. Transform all ordinal numerals into the cardinal.

e.g.   the second – two;  the sixty-ninth – sixty-nine

1. the first

2. the millionth 

3. the fiftieth

4. the five thousandth

5. the twenty-forth

2. Ask questions to the numerals.

e.g. 450 000of people live in Edinburgh. – How many people live in Edinburgh?

1. In 2003 many shows were free. (When?)

2. The old city has hundreds of ghosts. (How many?)

3. Hogmanay is from 29 December – 1 January. (When?)

4. Hundreds of millions of years ago, these hills were volcanoes. (How many?)

5. Four hundred of people from all over the world go to the party. (How many?)


1. Transform all cardinal numerals into the ordinal.

e.g.   one hundred – the hundredth;  three – the third

1. one million

2. five hundred

3. two

4. forty five thousand

5. twenty nine

2. Ask 5 special questions about  your city (How much…? How many…? When…? How old…?)

e.g.   When was Minsk mentioned in chronicles? – In 1067.

           How many people live there? – Over 2 million.

Module 9

Vocabulary: Weather

Grammar: Future Simple

Reading: Weather forecast


Read and translate these words.

weather               [`weрә]               Celsius               [`selsiәs]

forecast               [`fo:ka:st]           thunder                [`θΛndә]    

temperature         [`temprәt∫ә]        gale                      [`geil]

degree                [di`gri]                 sleet                             [`sli:t]

Find the translation of these proper nouns. Use a dictionary for unknown words pronunciation.

Europe                 Spain

France                  South

Greece                  Athens

Russia                  Scandinavia

Channel               Turkey

Tyrrhenian Sea


Match the words from these columns. Use a dictionary for unknown words and pronunciation.

The weather in Belarus is …           hot, wet,

The weather in Britain is …            cloudy

In autumn it is …                            rainy, sunny,

In winter it is …                                        snowy, cool,

In spring it is …                                        windy, cold,

In summer it is …                            warm, foggy,

B. Complete the phrase.

1. I like when it’s … in summer.

2. In North Pole it is usually … .

3. People don’t like when it’s … in autumn.

4. In deserts it’s often … .

5. My favourite weather is … .

6. My favourite season is … when it’s … .

7. Now the weather is … .

 C. Answer the questions from the point B.

1. What is the British weather like?

2. What is the weather like today?

3. What was the weather like yesterday?

4. What weather is going to be today in the evening?