Употребить в предложениях Present Indefinite или Present Continuous. Заменить some количественными прилагательными afew и alittle, страница 4

1. Mother isn't going to consult her doctor. 2. Harry is going to improve his business. 3. Dora is going to call up her mother tomorrow morning. 4. Mother is going to recover soon. 5. Father isn't going to buy a new computer. 6. He is going to have a look at the Russian web-site. 7. Michael is going to be a good programmer. 8. He is going to make calculations for his father's business. 9. Emily is going to come and do something on Michael's computer. 10. They are going to live in a nice house in a suburb of London. 11. They are going to have a typically English house.

1.8. Эквивалент модального глагола can в будущем времени tobeableto (Un.5:1.6)

   Упражнение 12. Употребите предложения с глаголом canв будущем времени.

1. I can tell you, how much it costs. 2. He can use all the facilities. 3. You can pay in monthly installments if you like. 4. You can come and see what they offer. 5. When you are a member you can bring one guest. 6. If we buy the dress, we can't afford shoes at the moment. 7. It's an easy thing to buy matching shoes for this dress. We can do it one of these days. 8. It's time for lunch. I can't do with a snack. 9. I can't choose between the bananas and custard and the apple-pie. 10. We can get everything that we want. 11. We can't have breakfast until you have seen your presents. 12. Emily can furnish the doll's sitting-room completely.

1.9. Infinitive как обстоятельство цели (Un.6:1.9)

   Упражнение 13. Переведите предложения, употребляя целевой инфинитив.

1. Они послали мне заявление-анкету для заполнения. 2. Я позвонила в этот фитнес-центр на прошлой неделе, чтобы получить информацию об их услугах. 3. Она считает, что бег трусцой по утрам является самым лучшим упражнением, чтобы прийти в форму. 4. Ты не ходишь на охоту, чтобы принести пищу для своей семьи. 5. Доктор сказал, что ее свекор должен будет бросить курить, много гулять и поехать на море, чтобы подышать морским воздухом. 6. Я голоден, и хотел бы не умереть (от голода), чтобы увидеть вечеринку по случаю твоего дня рождения сегодня вечером.

1.10. Придаточное дополнительное и придаточное определительное предложения (Un. 3:1.10; Un. 6:1.11)

   Упражнение 14. Определите тип придаточного предложения (дополнительное или определительное) и опустите там, где можно, слово, вводящее придаточное предложение.

1. Well, I wonder how much it costs. 2. Do you know what the procedure is. 3. They claim that their instructors are fully qualified and very experienced. 4. Their pamphlet says that they have six different types of fitness class. 5. According to the pamphlet which they have sent us, the answer is positive. 6. Doctors say that the heart gets stronger after you jog regularly for a month or so. 7. Some studies show that when people exercise properly, they have 50 percent fewer heart attacks. 8. There is a Russian company that may be his partner. 9. Don't bother, my dear, he knows what to do. 10. I'll be quiet after I know that everything is all right with you. 11. I found some information on the Internet yesterday that may be quite interesting for you. 12. You see how useful a computer is. 13. I suppose that the shoes will stretch with wearing.

1.11. Придаточные предложения времени и условия (Un.3:1.11)

   Упражнение 15. Вставьте в придаточные времени и условия соответствующие союзы и употребите предложения в будущем времени там, где это можно.

1. Do you know … it's possible to bring guests? 2. … you jog another month or two you … … ready for the marathon. 3. … I … jog every day, I … (enter) it next autumn. 4. … you … (stop) exercising suddenly, sometimes you … (get) muscle cramps. 5. I … (go) back to bed … I … (get) home. 6. The heart … (get) stronger … you … (jog) regularly for a month or so. 7. … you (jog) regularly  for a period of time, your pulse rate and blood pressure … (go) down. 8. We … (buy) matching choes for this dress … they … (be) not so expensive as the dress. 9. I … (call up) … I choose something. 10. I … (blow out) the candles tonight … my friends … (come) and all of you … (get) a piece of cake. 11. … you … (not play) tennis with us next Wednesday we … (drop) it too. 12. I … (be) quiet … I … (know) that everything … (be) all right with you.