Таблица 1
Формы глагола tobeв активном залоге (простые времена)
Present |
Past |
Future |
Маркеры времени (ключевые слова) |
today, every day, always, usually, often, as a rule, sometimes, seldom, never |
yesterday, last week, a month ago, in 1994 |
tomorrow, next year, the following week, in a day |
Утвердительная форма |
I am (‘m) You (We, They) are (‘re) He, She, It is (‘s) |
I, He, She, It was We, You, They were |
He, She, It(‘ll) |
Отрицательная форма |
I am not You, We, They are not (aren’t) He, She, It is not (isn’t) |
I, He, She, It was not (wasn’t) We, You,They were not (weren’t) |
(shan’t) be
He, She, It (won’t) |
Вопросительная форма (общий вопрос) |
Am I ………….? Are you, we, they ? Is he, she, it ….? |
Was I, he, she, it......? Were you, we, they...? |
Will it, they |
(специальный вопрос) |
are you, we, they...? is he, she, it …..? |
were you, we……? were they………..? |
she, it, they |
Ex. 1. Выберите только один правильный вариант “to be”. При выполнении задания можете воспользоваться данными таблицы 1.
1. Where ___ you from (are, is, was, shall be)?
2. How old ___ you a week ago (are, will be, was, were)?
3. How old ___ your brother now (are, is, was, shall be)?
4. When ___ his father born (were, was, is, will be)?
5. I ___ glad to see you (are, am, is, were).
6. Tom’s parents ___ in England last year (were, was, are, will be).
7. The best seats ___ 10 $ (are, is, shall be, was).
8. What ___ the weather like yesterday (were, was, is, will be)?
9. It ___ Saturday tomorrow (will be, shall be, is, was).
10. Yesterday I ___ twenty (was, am, shall be), today I ___ twenty-one (was, am, shall be) and next year I ___ twenty-two (was, am, shall be).
Ex. 2. Прочитайте небольшой текст. Не забудьте вставить правильные формы глагола “tobe” (времена группы Simple).
Pete ___ my stepbrother. He looks older though he ___ two years younger than I ___.
A year ago we ___ not friends at all. I found him moody and stubborn. I could guess Peter thought that I ___ bossy and I ___ not attentive towards him. We argued a lot. If Pete said that the film ___ worth (стóящим) watching, I said it ___ bad.
Now Pete ___ my best friend. I can trust him all my secrets. Now I see he ___n’t stubborn but he ___ determined. We like to do several activities together. For example, Pete and I ___ crazy about music.
I believe that we ___ good friends in our nearest future.
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Таблица 2
Использование глагола tobeв английском языке
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