ПРЕДЛОГИ МЕСТА (Place Prepositions)
above ●☻
onacross between
●» behind ö
● inout of
to through around
up down
at ●
in front of under
Упр. 1. вставьте вместо пропусков необходимые предлоги места и направления. Используйте подсказки, представленные в схеме.
1. You can go ____ the street when the light is green. 2. There is a canteen _____ the gym and the computer centre. 3. When you come ___ the classroom don’t forget to take off your cap. 4. Before you go ___ the house don’t forget to close the window and lock the door. 5. Be ready for your lesson: put your book and exercise-books ___ the table and put your bag ___ the table. 6. Where is my key? – It’s ___ my pocket. 7. Let’s go ___ Novokuznetsk Department of TPU by bus. 8. Please, go ___ the stairs and call Ann to see the Rector, then go ___ the stairs to wait for me. 9. Walk ___ the spring (ручей), go ___ the forest and you will see a palace ___ you. 10. I live ___ the third floor and my friend is ___ me. So he lives ___ the fourth floor.
ПРЕДЛОГИ МЕСТА (Place Prepositions)
above ●☻
onacross between
●» behind ö
● inout of
to through around
up down
at ●
in front of under
Упр. 1. вставьте вместо пропусков необходимые предлоги места и направления. Используйтеподсказки, представленныевсхеме.
1. You can go ____ the street when the light is green. 2. There is a canteen _____ the gym and the computer centre. 3. When you come ___ the classroom don’t forget to take off your cap. 4. Before you go ___ the house don’t forget to close the window and lock the door. 5. Be ready for your lesson: put your book and exercise-books ___ the table and put your bag ___ the table. 6. Where is my key? – It’s ___ my pocket. 7. Let’s go ___ Novokuznetsk Department of TPU by bus. 8. Please, go ___ the stairs and call Ann to see the Rector, then go ___ the stairs to wait for me. 9. Walk ___ the spring (ручей), go ___ the forest and you will see a palace ___ you. 10. I live ___ the third floor and my friend is ___ me. So he lives ___ the fourth floor.
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