The system of education in Belarus (exercises).
1. Find Russian equivalents
The main strategic resource
To attend school
The preschool education
To improve the level of general grounding
To define future profession
To offer graduate and post-graduate programs
A narrower specialization
Correspondence programs
Certified Specialist
The advanced scholarly degree
the defense of a dissertation
the process of competition
an intensive competition
to be connected with the future speciality
to get an excellent grade
enrolled students
the academic year
to retake the exams
to graduate with honors
2. Find English equivalents
Научный и интеллектуальный потенциал
Детские сады и ясли
Обогащать знания
Посещать факультативы
В зависимости от интересов и талантов
Высшие учебные заведения
Дневное и вечернее обучение
Защита диплома
Подавать документы
Учебный план
Законченное среднее образование
Обязательные экзамены
Министерство образования
Платить за обучение
Улучшить качество образования
В случае провала
Быть отчисленным из университета
3. Say if the sentences are TRUE or FALSE
1. There are 5 stages of education in Belarus.
2. The basis of education is University.
3. You can study at secondary vocational schools after finishing the 9th form.
4. All higher educational establishments offer graduate and post-graduate studies.
5. Traditionally the degree that has been conferred by Belarusian higher education is Certified Specialist.
6. The Bachelor’s degree can be obtained after 3 years of training.
7. The advanced scholarly degrees are Candidate of Science and Ph.D.
8. Teachers of higher educational establishments are promoted to faculty through the process of election.
9. A University is headed by a Dean.
10. The Ministry of education sets up the curricula.
11. Today higher education is free for everybody.
12. At universities students study general, professional and specialized subjects.
13. Students are given grades for their current work.
14. If a student fails the exams, he can retake them only once.
15. No one is expelled from University.
16. At the end of the 5th course students have only final state examinations.
17. Every student gets a grant.
4. Answer the questions
1. What are the main stages of education?
2. What is the basis of education?
3. What does the system of higher education consist of?
4. What does university offer?
5. Which of higher educational establishments has a narrower specialization?
6. What is the difference between a university, an institute and an academy?
7. What degrees can students obtain?
8. Who generally rules a higher educational institution?
9. Who is the head of a faculty?
10. What do applicants need to enter a university?
11. What do students get if they are admitted to free studies?
12. What do the curricula comprise?
13. When does the academic year start?
14. What grades are used for evaluation?
15. What measures are taken for those who fail the examinations?
16. What is the culmination of the 5th year course?
17. Which specialities are popular nowadays?
18. What entrance exams did you pass when entered the university?
19. How many students are in your group?
20. Are you going to obtain a degree?
5. Translate the sentences into English
1. Каждый может получить высшее образование в высших учебных заведениях: университетах, институтах и академиях.
2. Высшие учебные заведения предоставляют обучение в магистратуре и аспирантуре.
3. В ВУЗе есть дневное и заочное отделение.
4. Чтобы получить степень «Квалифицированный специалист», необходимо сдать госэкзамены и защитить диплом.
5. Высшее образование не бесплатное, некоторые платят за обучение.
6. Получить степень кандидата наук очень престижно.
7. ВУЗом руководит ректор, а факультетом – декан.
8. Чтобы поступить в ВУЗ, необходимо иметь законченное среднее образование и сдать вступительные экзамены.
9. Конкурс на физическом факультете очень высокий.
10. Студенты изучают обязательные предметы, а также специальные и профессиональные.
11. Некоторые студенты получают стипендии.
12. Работа студентов оценивается в конце семестра.
13. Студенты, которые не сдали экзамены, могут пересдать их 3 раза перед комиссией.
14. Студенты, заканчивающие на отлично, награждаются красным дипломом.
15. Система образования в Беларуси состоит из дошкольного, среднего и высшего образования.
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