Итоговый тест по дисциплине "Иностранный язык" (Тест из 204 вопросов с отметками на правильных ответах), страница 7

: Allow the medicine to dry on the skin.


S: Предложение со сложным дополнением.

: After examining the patient they decided to use chemotherapy.

: This drug was proved to restore mental alertness.

:  We have been recommended to develop a new structure of this element.

: They wanted monitoring of the drug impact to be performed regularly.


S: Найдите предложение с герундием.

: Analyzing the findings we decided to change the method.

: Microorganisms invading the body cause diseases.

: Changes in the lining of the stomach are evident.

: Eating calcium might prevent colon cancer.


S: Найдите предложение, где –ing form переводится существительным.

: Taking this medicine one must know about its adverse effects.

: He is preparing a paper on infectious diseases.

: I remember having been reported this interesting case.

: Vitamins are very effective in improving our health.


S: Предложение с причастием в функции определения.

: Doctors can treat various diseases using laser.

: This remedy is strongly recommended.

: Following the doctor’s recommendations the patient did exercises regularly.

: Sometimes broke legs do not mend properly.


S: Предложение с причастием в функции обстоятельства.

: Therapy mentioned is only symptomatic.

: The amount of enzymes was measured by the researcher yesterday.

: They are developing a new method.

: The surgeon replaced the damaged bone applying a new method.


S: Предложение c инфинитивом в функции подлежащего.

: To make a correct diagnosis a physician must know the symptoms of a disease.

: The aim of the publication is to present up to date findings.

: Alchemists were trying to turn ordinary metals into gold.

: To maintain normal acid base balance is the main task of the kidneys.


S: Предложение c инфинитивом в функции определения.
: All living organisms require oxygen to maintain life.

: The function of leaves is not to absorb water.

: They washed their hands before beginning to work.

: R. Boyle was the first scientist to separate chemistry from alchemy.


S: Предложение с причастием I в функции определения.

: They are using a new method now

: Using different methods they identified new substances.

: He is fond of reading scientific texts.

: My friend living in the students’ hostel often comes to see me.

S: Предложение с причастием II в функции определения.

: The scientist described a new a method of treatment.

: The surgeon performed the operation successfully.

: The experiment performed by the scientist was successful.

: A new method of treatment was described in the report.

V2: Модальные глаголы


S: I ### (must) revise for my test in biology yesterday.

: had to


S: They were told they … use the laboratory equipment.

: can

: must

: may

: were allowed to


S: You … finish the work tomorrow.

: had to

: were allowed to

: shall be able to

: will be able to


S: Not to fall ill people … follow a regular regimen.

: may

: must

: can

: should


S: We ... work hard to become good specialists.

: can

: could

: must

: may

S: Can the first year students prepare medicines?

: Yes, they can.

: No, they can.

: No, we cannot.

No, they cannot.

S: Они не смогли помочь нам.

: They cannot help us.

: They not could help us.

: They could not help us.

: They could no help us.

S: To become qualified pharmacists students … pay much attention to chemistry.

: should

: can.

: may


V2: Многофункциональные слова


S: Найдите предложение, где “that” не является союзом.

: The treatment that the patient is undergoing is effective.

: The researchers stated that they had observed a new phenomenon.

: Exacerbation of ulcers particularly that of duodenal ones occurs in spring and autumn.

: That the patient had some heart problems was revealed on physical examination.


S: Найдите предложение, где слово “one” является словом заменителем.

: Chlorine is one of naturally occurring compounds.

: One must carry out the immunological investigation.