Итоговый тест по дисциплине "Иностранный язык" (Тест из 204 вопросов с отметками на правильных ответах), страница 6

: One knows that pulse increases on physical exertion.


S: Соответствие частей предложения.

L1: was pharmacy associated with to the Greeks.

L2: did Sertürner isolate morphine from opium.

L3: did it take to isolate drug constituents from plants.

L4: did Russian pharmacists get training in the 18th century.

R1: What

R2: When

R3: How long

R4: Where

R5: How much

S: I ... the answer to the question.

: do not know

: not know

: does not know

: is not know

S: My friend  gathers medicinal plants in summer.

: When does your friend gather medicinal plants?

: Where your friend gather medicinal plants?

: What does your friend gathers?

: When does your friend gather medicinal plants?


S: Пора начинать наш эксперимент.

: We start our experiment.

: Our experiment is started now.

: We are starting our experiment.

: It’s time to start our experiment.


S: Нам необходимо вовремя завершить работу.

: Necessary us to complete the work in time.

: Us necessary in time to complete the work.

: It is necessary for us in time to complete work.

: It is necessary for us to complete the work in time.


S: Завтра не будет лекции.

: There will no lecture tomorrow.

: There will be not lecture tomorrow.

: There will be no lecture tomorrow.

: Lecture tomorrow not will be.


S: Когда я окончу университет, мне будет двадцать два года.

: When I graduate from the university me will be twenty two.

: When I finish the university I am twenty two years.

: When I graduate the university I’ll be twenty second.

: When I graduate from the university I will be twenty two yeas old.

S: У меня завтра не будет свободного времени.

: Tomorrow I have no free time.

: I tomorrow will have no free time.

: I will no have free time tomorrow.

: I will have no free time tomorrow.


S: В этом институте учатся друзья моей дочери.

: At this institute study my daughter’s friends.

: My daughter’s friends study at this institute.

: At this institute friend of my daughter study.

: At this institute study friends of my daughter.


S: Мне восемнадцать лет.

: I am eighteen years.

: Me eighteen years.

: I am eighteen.

: I eighteen.

S: Мой любимый предмет – химия.

: My favourite subject chemistry.

: My the favourite subject is chemistry.

: Chemistry my favourite subject.

: Chemistry is my favourite subject.

S: У нас обычно две лекции.

: We have usually two lectures.

: We have two lectures usually.

: We usually have two lectures.
: Two lectures we usually have.

V2: Неличные формы глагола


S: Укажите предложение с причастием II в функции определения.

: This was determined by many experiments on animals.

: This measure failed to control the development of the disease.

: Physiologists have studied the function of the human heart.

: This resulted in trophic disturbances followed by erosion.


S: Укажите предложение с причастием II в функции обстоятельства.

: Caffeine was being injected slowly to the patient.

: We liked the idea of developing a new drug product.

: Alkaloids are nitrogen containing compounds.

: Having been filled the ampoules were closed with rubber caps.


S: Предложение со сложным подлежащим.

: The culture was changed to result in new response.

: Elderly patients are recommended to take drugs.

: Objective laboratory examinations showed them to be healthy.

: This drug is believed to cause hypertension when used for prolonged periods.


S: Предложение со сложным подлежащим.

: This procedure was done to reveal the early symptoms of the disease.

: The physician considered heart attacks to be associated with the nervous overstrain.

: The appendix is removed immediately to prevent its rapture.

: The patient with cholecystitis is known to complain of intense pain.


S: Предложение со сложным дополнением.

: This medicine must be used every day to work properly.

: The solution to be used must be freshly prepared.

: These drugs are likely to produce serious side effect in some patients.