Итоговый тест по дисциплине "Иностранный язык (английский язык)" (Тест из 245 вопросов с отметками на правильных ответах), страница 9

: We should fight to protect what is left of the water supply.

: We may fight to protect what is left of the water supply.

: We can fight to protect what is left of the water supply.


S: Development projects can also make soil erosion worse.

: Development projects are also able to make soil erosion worse.

: Development projects may also make soil erosion worse.

: Development projects should also make soil erosion worse.

: Development projects must also make soil erosion worse.


S: Each building should … on a case by case basis.

: be treated

: to be treated

: is treated

: are treated

V2: Согласование времен


S: Правильное предложение

: The researcher will be able to carry out this experiment if he will get the proper findings.

: The researcher will be able to carry out this experiment if he get the proper findings.

: The researcher will be able to carry out this experiment if he got the proper findings.

: The researcher will be able to carry out this experiment if he gets the proper findings.


S: When I studied at school I ... interested in biology.

: am

: was

: were

: will be


S: Lavoisier showed that water ... a compound of hydrogen and oxygen.
: has been

: were

: is

: was


S: The doctor stated that the patient … pneumonia.

: had

: has

: have

: will have

V2: Безличные предложения


S: Следует помнить, что большинство вирусы разрушаются при высокой температуре.

: One should remember that most viruses are destroyed at a high temperature.

: Remember most viruses are destroyed at a high temperature.

: You should remember that most viruses are destroyed at a high temperature.

: They should remember that most viruses are destroyed at a high temperature.

S: Известно that  blood becomes oxygenated in the lungs.

: One know

: It is knowing

: One is known

: It is known

V2: Усилительная конструкция

S: Предложение, с усилительной конструкцией.

: It is estimated that ventricles serve as the main pump.

: It is known that conditioned reflexes are formed in the cortex.

: It is the motor cortex that controls many movements of the body.

: Everybody that nervous cells are very delicate.


S: … DNA … the life, growth and unique features of the organisms depend on.

: It is … that

: They are … who

: It is … what

: They are … whose


S: … the 19th century … Gregor Mendel first introduced the selective breeding.

: It was not until … that

: It was until … who

: It wasn’t till … whose

: It was not until … what

V2: Порядок слов в английском предложении

S: Мой любимый предмет – химия.

: My favourite subject chemistry.

: My the favourite subject is chemistry.

: Chemistry my favourite subject.

: Chemistry is my favourite subject.


Q: Правильный порядок слов в предложении

1: Trees

2: are

3: a

4: vital

5: part

6: of

7: water

8: cycle


Q: Правильный порядок слов в предложении

1: The

2: jungle

3: is

4: being

5: destroyed

6: and

7: disappearing

8: every

9: year

V1: Речевойэтикет

V2:  Бытоваясфера

S: Предложите встретиться с друзьями

: Let’s meet tomorrow.

: Be happy!

: Have a nice day!

: You’re quite right.

V2: Профессионально деловая сфера


S: Выражение неуверенности, беспомощности в беседе с врачом

: I’m sorry. I was wrong.

: What shall I do?

: I am happy to hear it.

: Never mind.

V2: Учебно социальная сфера


S: Удивление по поводу успешной сдачи экзаменов

: It can’t be the truth!

: I’m so sorry!

: A very good idea!

: You’re quite right.

V2: Социально деловая сфера


S: Реплика, наиболее соответствующая ситуации общения

Boss: Do you see what I mean?

Employee: …

: Yes, do, please.

: Yes, I don’t agree with you.

: Yes, but I’m not sure I quit agree.

: I don’t think so.

V1: Культура и традиции стран изучаемого языка

V2: Великобритания


S: The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland consists of …

: four parts

: five parts

: two parts

: three parts


S: The leading figure in the political life of Great Britain is the …

: prime minister

: king