Financial results YUKOS under the standards US GAAP for the third quarter

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Financial results "Sibneft" for first half of 2002

Moscow, October 30, 2002. The proceeds of the company "Sibneft " by results of US GAAP for first half of 2002 have increased by 19 % and has made $ 1,984 billion. ($ 1,663 billion. For the similar period of the last year).

The income before payment of the tax on profit, percents(interests) and amortization (EBITDA) has made $ 786,1 million. ($ 870,5 million for the similar period of 2001). The pure(clean) profit has decreased up to 457,5 million from $ 615,8 million, received in first half of last year.

The decrease(reduction) of the profit at general(common) growth of the proceeds is connected to increase of the taxes at production of mineral resources, amortisation charges and export deductions. The parameters " Sibneft " under the pure(clean) profit, EBITDA and proceeds on ton of production surpass similar parameters of the basic companies of the Russian petroleum sector.

" Sibneft " continues to remain the leader on rates of growth of production of petroleum in Russia. In the first half-year the growth has made 28,3 % in comparison with the similar period of 2001. " Sibneft " became the fifth company of Russia on volumes of production of petroleum. The growth of actives in the field of production has taken place at the expense of purchase 59 % of the actions(shares) ОАО “Meretojhaneftegas”

The company essentially has strengthened the positions in the field of processing after purchase 37 % of the actions(shares) Moscow refinery at the end of the last year, that has ensured(supplied) " Sibneft " of delivery of petroleum on a factory in significant volumes. Besides the company began the scale program on development of a marketing network in Central Russia.

Sibneft continues to keep лидерство in branch on a lot of parameters, - the president of the company Evgehiy Shvidler has told. – “we shall develop still strategy focused on fast growth of production, development of the new markets and purchase of actives in all areas of petroleum business “.

Financial results YUKOS under the standards US GAAP for the third quarter

Moscow, February 13, 2003 - Petroleum company YUKOS has published today consolidated financial reporting for the third quarter and first nine months of 2002. The financial reporting was prepared according to US GAAP.

As a result of increase of volumes of realization of petroleum both petroleum and improved price conjuncture in the third quarter of 2002 volume of the proceeds from realization and other incomes received from the basic activity, has grown up to a level 3,378 billion dollars. USA, that on 30,1 % of the above appropriate parameter for the similar period of 2001 and on 31,9 % is higher than a parameter for the second quarter of 2002.

On results of the third quarter of 2002 the company has received the corrected pure(clean) profit at a rate of 850 million dollars. USA, that on 6,6 % exceeds a parameter for the similar period of 2001 and on 12,1 % above than level of the second quarter of 2002.

Volume of production of petroleum in the third quarter of 2002 has reached(achieved) 17,9 million tons (on the average 1,422 million barrel per day), that on 19,0 % is more than a similar parameter for the appropriate period of 2001. On results of first nine months of 2002 volume of production of petroleum has made 50,3 million tons (1,348 million barrel per day), that on 17,8 % is more than a similar parameter for the appropriate period of 2001.

Volume of processing in the third quarter of 2002 has grown on 11,1 % in comparison with the third quarter of 2001 and has made 8,2 million tons (on the average 654 thousand баррелей per day). For first nine months of 2002 this parameter has made 23,4 million tons (626 thousand barrel per day), that on 8,1 % is higher than a level of the similar period of 2001.

In the third quarter of 2002 the cost price of production of petroleum both gas without amortization and taxes has made 1,45 dollars. USA on баррель of a petroleum equivalent, having reduced on 20,3 % in comparison with the third quarter of 2001. The average size economic and administrative charges concerning production of petroleum and gas, in the third quarter of 2002 has made 0,31 dollars. USA on баррель of a petroleum equivalent, that on 26,2 % is lower in comparison with the similar period of the previous year. For first nine months of 2002 the cost price of production of petroleum and gas has made 1,40 dollars. USA on баррель of a petroleum equivalent, having reduced on 21,3 % in comparison with a parameter of the similar period of 2001. The average size economic and administrative charges concerning production of petroleum and gas, for the first 9 months of 2002 has made 0,32 dollars. USA on баррель of a petroleum equivalent, having reduced on 13,5 % in comparison with the similar period of the previous year.

The dynamical growth of production in the third quarter of 2002 was accompanied by improvement of a price conjuncture

Total amount of realization of petroleum and petroleum, including realization acquired of petroleum and petroleum, in the third quarter of 2002 has made 17,7 million tons, that on 14,9 % is more than a similar parameter of the third quarter of 2001. Volume of realization of petroleum and petroleum, including realization acquired of petroleum and petroleum, for first nine months of 2002 has made 49,3 million tons, that on 13,6 % is more than a similar parameter of 2001.

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