Changes Made in Microsoft Business Solutions–Navision W1 4.0 SP3. Table of Content. Development Environment and Database Changes, страница 22

This has been corrected

T12)  Fields Are 250 Characters When Creating A New Table


The table definitions where not used when creating a new table based on an existing table in Navision.

This has been corrected

VSA reference: 8279644

T13)  Not Possible To Create Tables


Creating tables using NODBC throws exceptions and no tables where created in the database.

This has been corrected

4.2  C/FRONT

Errors fixed

T14)  Navision Dates Can Not Be Converted To Strings


C/FRONT can not convert dates to string when the Russian OS locale is set for current user.

This has been corrected

T15)  .NET Component Not Initialized


It was not possible to initialize a new .NET object.

This has been corrected

T16)  Option Fields Not Shown Entirely


C/FRONT returned a wrong length on option fields and they where not displayed entirely.

This has been corrected

T17)  GET Version Returns 32


The get version function returned 32 instead of the C/FRONT version.

This has been corrected

T18)  Init Function Does Not Return Zero


The init function did not return ‘0’ as describe in the documentation.

This has been corrected

T19)  “UserCount” Does Not Return The Amount Of All Users


“UserCount” did only return the amount of database users, not the amount of registered Windows Users.

This has been corrected

T20)  “LoadLicense” Does Not Work


“LoadLicense” did not load any license.

This has been corrected

VSA reference: 8346437

T21)  Data Refresh Slow On SQL Option


Data refresh was slow when using C/FRONT with a the SQL option.

This has been corrected

VSA reference: 8305009

T22)  “CFrontDllName” Property Prevents loading Of CFront.dll


Inconsistent C/FRONT.ocx interface could prevent loading of the cfront.dll file. Now the file should be specified  by the driver parameter of “ConnectServerAndOpenDatabase”.

This has been corrected

4.3  Upgrade Toolkit

Errors fixed

T23)  Default Dimensions For Bank Account Missing


When upgrading the default dimensions for Bank Accounts were not transfered to the Default Dimension table.

This has been corrected

Codeunit 104052 Upgrade 4.00 Step 2 Dimension

T24)  Serial No Missing On Sales/Purch. Cr. Memo


In the function that creates the data in table 6508 Value Entry Relation the code for the tables  114 Sales Cr.Memo Header, 115 Sales Cr.Memo Line, 124 Purch. Cr. Memo Hdr. and 125 Purch. Cr. Memo Line was missing.

This has been corrected

Codeunit 104048 Upgrade 4.00 Step 2

VSA reference: 8432830

T25)  Sales Line Discount Missing After Upgrade


In cases when a customer discount group was renamed on the customer. The customer could loose some discount information during the upgrade process.

This has been corrected

Codeunit 104048 Upgrade 4.00 Step 2

VSA reference: 8397994

4.4  Industry Templates

Errors fixed

T26)  Export of Master Data Created an Overflow Error


When exporting master data from the Implementation form. There could in rare cases be an overflow for some of the comments in the excel sheet.

This has been corrected

Codeunit 8601 Mapping Handle

VSA reference: 8382209

A188)  Excel Did Not Close Properly After Export Of Mapping Data


When exporting mapping data from the mapping form Excel did not close properly until the form was closed.

This has been corrected

Codeunit 8601 Mapping Handle

VSA reference: 8523964

4.5  Debugger


T27)  Code Coverage Role Permissions


It was not possible to create a Role different than “SUPER” for the code coverage tool. Now it is possible to add a role and give objects code coverage access without exposing the entire solution. System object 5315 now includes code coverage permissions.

This feature has been implemented