Changes Made in Microsoft Business Solutions–Navision W1 4.0 SP3. Table of Content. Development Environment and Database Changes, страница 20

This has been corrected

P56)  Function “CurrentReport.SAVEASXML” Not Working


It was possible to cause a crash if you used the function “CurrentReport.SAVEASXML” instead of the function “report.SAVEASXML”. Function CurrentReport.SAVEASXML has been removed and is no longer available.

This has been corrected

P57)  White Spaces In XML Tags Are Not Allowed


It was possible to create white spaces in tag definitions in a XML Port.

This has been corrected

P58)  Function “CurrXMLport.BREAK” Does Not Break


The function “CurrXMLport.BREAK” did not prevent execution of “OnAfterGetRecord” trigger on same data items.

This has been corrected

P59)  Single Instance Codeunits Can Not Be Called From Codeunit 1


It was not possible to call a single instance codeunit from codeunit 1.

This has been corrected

VSA reference: 8046664

P60)  Windows Objects Can Not Be Referenced


It was not possible to reference windows objects as source without causing a crash.

This has been corrected

P61)  ID Length Is Not Limited To 30 Characters


It was possible to write more than 30 characters in the "ID" field in the report designer even though there is a limitation.

This has been corrected

P62)  “KEYCOUNT” Does Not Return The Number Of Keys


“KEYCOUNT” did only count active keys and left the disabled keys out of the count.

This has been corrected

VSA reference: 8325731

P63)  “ValuesAllowed” Can Not Include A Semi Colon


It was not possible to include a semi colon as the first character in “ValuesAllowed” in the field property of a field name.

This has been corrected

VSA reference: 8287743

P64)  It Is Not Possible To Include Blanks In ValuesAllowed


Blanks, in the “ValuesAllowed” property on a field was removed when compiling the object.

This has been corrected

VSA reference: 8287743

P65)  C/AL Symbol Menu Does Not Remember Last Value


Opening the C/AL Symbol Menu more than once the C/AL Symbol Menu did not remember the last selected value.

This has been corrected

P66)  Not Possible To Move Data Items


It was not possible to use the up and down arrows to move data items in the dataport designer.

This has been corrected

VSA reference: 8013870

P67)  Form Can Not Be Created


It was not possible to create a form based on an un-compiled table.

This has been corrected

VSA reference: 8352237

P68)  Length Of Captions In Search Window Not Long Enough


In the construction of the find dialog the space for radio button captions was increased.

This has been corrected

2.4  Commerce Gateway

Errors fixed

P69)  Commerce Gateway Not Compatible With BTS 2006


Commerce gateway hangs when trying to connect to a BizTalk 2006 server.

This has been corrected


OBJECT Table 99008512 BizTalk Management Setup

A185)  Two Help Buttons


There was two help buttons on Form 99008505 Rejected BizTalk Sales Doc.

This has been corrected

Form 99008505 Rejected BizTalk Sales Doc.

VSA reference: 8525425

2.5  Employee Portal

Errors fixed

P70)  Search WebPart Cultural Setting


The web part”Cultural Setting” displayed cultural related information like dates and decimal fields in a wrong format.

This has been corrected


VSA reference: 8371689

KB article reference: 917757

A186)  Calculation Of Flow Fields


When transmitting items to the employee portal site, “calcfields” where calculated. This could lead to performance problems. The calculation has been removed.

This has been corrected

Codeunit 6815 EP Support Functions

VSA reference: 8462016

A187)  EP Web Part Request Templates Not Created
