Changes Made in Microsoft Business Solutions–Navision W1 4.0 SP3. Table of Content. Development Environment and Database Changes, страница 15

The suggested quantity was wrong if re-order point was greater than re-order quantity.

This has been corrected

Codeunit 99000854 Inventory Profile Offsetting

VSA reference: 8466522

A164)  Incorrect Production Order Quantity


Production order quantity was incorrect when last routing step is subcontractor using multiple lot numbers.

This has been corrected

Codeunit 22 Item Jnl.-Post Line

VSA reference: 8504602

A165)  Consumption Error


Components with Backward flushing were posted wrongly if quantity per unit of measure was higher than 1.

This has been corrected

Codeunit 22 Item Jnl.-Post Line

VSA reference: 8522043

A166)  Wrong Capacity Load


The load of a capacity was shown wrongly in the production schedule if operation lasted over midnight.

This has been corrected

Codeunit 5501 Prod. Schedule Calculations

VSA reference: 8532953

A167)  Transfers Not Taken Into Account


Capable to promise function didn't take transfers in planning/requisition worksheets into account.

This has been corrected

Table 246 Requisition Line

Table 27 Item

Codeunit 5790 Available to Promise

Codeunit 99000886 Capable to Promise

VSA reference: 8498352

A168)  Unable To Change Production Order Status


It was not possible to change the status of a production order when it was created via the order planning process and the item was listed multiple times on the sales order. The problem was caused by missing “location code”.

This has been corrected

Codeunit 5407 Prod. Order Status Management

VSA reference: 8548304

KB article reference: 921924

A169)  Error Message When Making a Purchase Order


When changing a released production order which had a purchase order created for subcontracting and trying to change the purchase order via the "Carry Out AM" function in Subcontracting Worksheet would cause an error message.

This has been corrected

Codeunit 99000833 Req. Line-Reserve

VSA reference: 8597866

A170)  Wrong Caption on Prod. Order Components Window


Caption for the “Item Availability by” function on the Prod. Order Components window was Date instead of Period.

This has been corrected

Form 99000818 Prod. Order Components

VSA reference: 8352307

A171)  No Item Tracking Entries Created


Wrong item tracking entries were created if production order was created directly from a sales  order and reservations existed.

This has been corrected

Codeunit 6500 Item Tracking Management

Codeunit 99000792 Create Prod. Order from Sale

VSA reference: 8409659

A172)  Error Occurred During Change of Parallel Routing


When user wanted to change anything in parallel routing and the first operation was finished the error message “The Date is not valid” showed up. This didn’t allow users to save their changes.

This has been corrected

Codeunit 99000774Calculate Routing Line

VSA reference: 8597801

1.11  Jobs

Errors fixed

A173)  Error When Job Without Bill-to Customer No. Assigned to Line


An error message appeared when the user tried to assign a job with an empty Bill-to Customer No. field to a job journal line.

This has been corrected

Table 210 Job Journal Line

VSA reference: 8513937

A174)  Misleading Message In Job Journal


When filling the No. field of a Job Journal Line with a blank Job No. a message would say that the number didn't exists. This has been changed to You must specify Job No. in Job Journal Line Template Name='XXX', Journal Batch Name='YYY',Line No.='ZZZ'.

This has been corrected

Table 210 Job Journal Line

VSA reference: 8513936

A175)  No Check for Open Job Entries Existed When Job Was Deleted


When a job was deleted, the program did not check whether open ledger entries existed for this job.

This has been corrected

Table 167 Job

A176)  Open Job Ledger Entry Not Closed if Apply and Close Selected