Growing a business. Развитие бизнеса. The Great Game of Business. Money

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УО «Белорусский государственный экономический университет»

Кафедра теории и практики английской речи



Минск 2011

А в т о р: Л.П. Левченко

Р е ц е н з е н т: заведующий кафедрой профессионально ориентированной английской речи УО «Белорусский государственный экономический университет» Н.А. Новик.

Р е к о м е н д о в а н о кафедрой теории и практики английской речи БГЭУ 

Левченко Л.П. Развитие бизнеса = Growing a Business: пособие к видео курсу: Электронное учеб.-метод. издание / Л.П. Левченко. – Мн.: БГЭУ, 2011.- 25 c.

Учебно-методическое пособие по английскому языку является руководством к одноименному видео курсу, представляющему истории становления успешных компаний. Пособие содержит лексический материал и  комплекс упражнений и заданий, направленных на формирование и совершенствование умений восприятия на слух, устной речи и письма на английском языке в рамках тематики, связанной с организацией малого бизнеса.

Пособие может быть использовано для студентов и магистрантов и аспирантов по дисциплинам «Деловой иностранный язык», «Профессионально ориентированный иностранный язык».


Introduction …………………………………………………….

Unit 1 The Great Game of Business …………………………..

Unit 2 The Beginnings………………………………………….

Unit 3 Money……………………………………………………

Unit 4 Product ………………………………………………….

Unit 5 Service…………………………………………………..

Unit 6 Marketing……………………………………………….

Unit 7 Employees……………………………………………….

Unit 8 Numbers…………………………………………………











Welcome to the video course "Growing a Business". This film introduces 9 businesses and tells the story of their development.

The founders of these companies speak about the start-up and the problems they faced at different stages of their growth.

They speculate on the issues of great importance for a small business company:

- raising money;

- choosing a product;

- providing high quality service;

- marketing;

- recruiting employees;

- dealing with numbers.

Each of these issues constitutes a separate unit introduced by an American economic expert Paul Hawken.


I. Pre-watching Task

Focus on the following questions:

a) What is the role of small business in the economy of a country?

b) What kind of business would you like to go into?

II. Focus on Vocabulary

a) Make sure you know the meanings of  the following words and expressions; translate them into Russian.

diverse a

take the knocks

entrepreneurial equation

pinpoint v

within the perimeter

survive in a hostile world

relieve the customer of the problem

enhance the effort

stages of maturity

strive for v

b) While watching try to identify the following expressions in the situations they are used in the video.

to take a liking for

to stick to the inside world

to shoot in the air and miss

to extend oneself

to skip stages by too much growth.

III. Watching

Watch the first unit and make a list of founders of 9 businesses and the names of their companies.

IV. Decide whether the following statements are true or false:

1. Big business drives the Ameican economy.

2. The simplest and cheapest way of studying the market is to be the market.

3. Most of the businessmen studied business and knew a lot about running a successful company.

4. Any business, either retail or wholesale, service or manufacturing, is about people and for people.

5. Quality doesn't mean more money, it means more effort.

6. The least utilized source in America is the people.

V. Answer the following questions:

1. Do entrepreneurs experience a lot of fear and stress when starting their business?

2. Can small businesses afford market analysis?

3. What is an entepreneurial equation?

4. How do Ben Cohen and Jerry Greenfield view themselves?

5. What is the reason why Ben C. and Jerry G. are still in business?

6. Why did friends of Matthew Reich advise him to visit a psychiatrist?

7. How did Carolyn Draper come to the idea of starting up her own business?

8. What is the motto of the chairman of University National Bank?

9. How can one learn the real needs of customers, in Carl J. Schmitt's opinion?      10. What does Alice Medrich mean saying that a businessman should be critical about his product?

11. What kind of managers are able to create great businesses?

12. What does Yvon Chouinard think of stages each business has to live through?        

13. What does he enjoy doing?

14. What for was the Trust for Public Land set up?

15. Money is followed by ideas, isn't it?

VI. Recall the authors of the following statements and explain their meaning:

a) If you love people and want to help them don't join the Red Cross or some peace organisation, start up a business.

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