Talking About Stories. Theoretical Preliminaries. The Plan for Rendering the Story. Some Helpful Questions for Further Text Analysis, страница 9

to enter a character’s mind, train/ course of thought

to feel an emotional connection with a character

to give an insight into the inner world of the character

to give the reader a sense of identification with the character

to make objective observations

to make the story sound true to life/ to increase the credibility of the story

we get a deep understanding of how an individual experiences the world

we perceive the world of the story/ receive the story through the eyes of the main character


a character’s background becomes central to the story a realistic/ historical/ fantastic/ exotic/ rural setting

the atmosphere/ the character’s background becomes central to the story because ...

the author establishes the time and the place of the action as ...

the author is more concerned with social/ cultural environment of the characters than specific physical objects


the domestic interior is the main element of setting/ serves as a means of characterization

the idea is inconceivable without the specific setting ... the scene is laid ...

the setting acquires a symbolic meaning the setting contributes to the single effect of the story the setting functions/ serves as a contrasting background to ... the setting has a symbolic meaning which can be interpreted as ... the setting helps to determine the characters’ hopes/ aspirations/ habits/ desires/ conflicts/ fate, etc.

the setting helps to identify the genre of the story as ... the setting is crucial to the creation of a complete work

the setting is established in the exposition/ scattered throughout the whole story

the setting is vital for understanding the message of the story the setting plays a great role in the operation of the story/ in conveying the message because ...

the social background/ cultural environment/ landscape/ historical period/ geographical location, etc. is the most important element of the setting in the story/ is as important as the characters themselves

the span of time the story covers

the story is set in ...

to construct the world of the story

to create a tragic/ dramatic/ peaceful/ serene/ still/ undisturbed/ tranquil/ gloomy/ weary/ grim/ depressing/ cheerful/ lively/ blissful/ idyllic, etc. atmosphere

to encourage the reader to ...

to enhance characterization by ...

to express/ frame/ reflect/ parallel the emotional state of the character

to increase the credibility of the characters and events in the story

to individualize a character

to reveal certain features of a character’s personality


skilful sustention of suspense

the action in the story is highly suspenseful

the author gives a hint/ hints at some future events

the author plays with the reader’s expectations

the author raises certain expectations in the reader

the author relies heavily on suspense

the author shows his ability to keep the reader in suspense

the author skilfully uses the techniques of suspense and surprise in the story

the climax comes as a complete surprise/ as a revelation/ as a relief, etc.

the complications are arranged along an ascending scale

the plot thickens

the reader is really taken aback/ startled/ confused/ puzzled/ bemused/ bewildered, etc. by the unexpected turn of events

the suspense in the following lines is created with the help of/ by means of ...

the suspense is intensified by ...

the tension builds toward the main conflict

the tension increases/ rises as the plot moves on

to anticipate significant events

to awaken/ arouse/ hold the reader's interest

to create/ build up/ heighten/ increase suspense in the story


to create a sense of anticipation/ a feeling of tense excitement